Jugular phlebectasia child treatment.
Mar 26, 2024 · Jianhong L, Xuewu J, Tingze H.
Jugular phlebectasia child treatment Internal jugular phlebectasia is a rare disorder which can be either unilateral or bilateral, and it is diagnosed often during childhood. This report elucidates the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment choices, and postoperative complications of JVP, and diagnostic methods and treatment The Chi square test shows that the specialty of the respondent like pediatrician and ENT practitioner have more knowledge than the other for jugular phlebectasia at p < 0. This condition is usually observed in children and is characterized by a challenging diagnosis. Am J Surg 2006;192:286-290. No history of trauma was reported. It usually presents as unilateral swelling in the neck found during coughing and shouting. Mar 1, 2015 · This paper reports two new cases, reviews all cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in children published in English literature upto 1996 and recommends diagnostic methods and treatment policy. 1995;112:473–5. Gerwig WH (1952) Internal jugular phlebectasia. Treatment is either conservative or surgical, depending on the hemodynamic and aesthetic commitment. However, recent long-term observational studies have documented numerous asymptomatic patients with favorable courses, and conservative therapy has now become a mainstream treatment. 1988 Jul;101(7):478-80. A 7-year-old girl who presented with a painless soft cystic mass in the neck associated with hoarseness of voice is presented, and diagnosis of right internal jugular phlebectasia was made. In the neck, phlebectasia most often affects the internal jugular vein in both children and adults. Internal jugular phlebectasia is seen more often on the right side. 2006;192(3):286-90. We report a 12-year-old boy with h … Sep 27, 2017 · Internal jugular phlebectasia is a fusiform dilatation of the internal jugular vein. Keywords: Jugular phlebectasia, Jugular ectasia, Laryngocele, Cyst. 2006;192:286–290. Dec 1, 2023 · Internal jugular vein phlebectasia, a rare benign condition, is most frequently found in children, and it affects mostly the right internal jugular vein. Phlebectasia of left anterior jugular vein. To our knowledge, there are only about 50 cases in the recent literature most of which are children. No treatment is necessary for this benign, self-limiting condition. Sep 17, 2019 · Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is of unknown etiology and is caused by vein dilatation without tortuosity, which is rare in children. Possible causes Mar 26, 2024 · Jianhong L, Xuewu J, Tingze H. PCHs and internal jugular vein abnormalities may be related. Feb 1, 2001 · It has been described in almost all cervical veins. The purpose of this report is to discuss the differential diagnosis, the methods of imaging, the mode of treatment, and to demonstrate some factors that have made us believe that the condition may not be an actual rarity but rather Jun 19, 2019 · This study is the largest systematic review analyzing all the reported cases of internal jugular phlebectasia, considered by most authors as a benign abnormality that predominantly affects the right jugular vein. It is mostly seen in children and young adults. Background: Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is a cervical mass that occurs relatively infrequently and usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. He presented with a blue pulsatile … Jun 29, 2007 · Internal jugular phlebectasia is a venous anomaly commonly presenting as a unilateral neck swelling in children. 2006; 192:286-90. The cause of the jugular phlebectasia remains unclear. Our case report has highlighted the importance of Oct 14, 2014 · In the past, jugular phlebectasia was generally resected surgically for fear of possible increases in size and exacerbation of the condition. Background/Purpose: Phlebectasia of the jugular veins is a venous anomaly that usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. The jugular vein ectasia is an uncommon finding, but frequently diagnosed in children for the clinical signs it presents. Shimitzu M, Takagi Y, Yoshio H, Takeda R. Jugular vein phlebectasia, a Apr 15, 2020 · We previously identified internal jugular vein phlebectasia (IJP) in four Menkes disease subjects. . Other terms used in literature to describe this condition include, phlebectasia, venous aneurysm, venous cyst, aneurysmal varix and venectasia [2, 3]. Children with internal jugular phlebectasia are often discovered by their parents when they notice a soft mass in the neck that appears when the child cries, coughs, or breathes deeply. 2005;26:172-4. Clinical features, diagnosis, treatment options, and a review of the literature about this rare venous lesion are presented. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) in infants and children presents as a nonpainful, nonpulsatile, compressible mass on the neck that enlarges when the patient performs a Valsalva maneuver, coughs, or cries (Figure 1). This article also discusses a theory of pathogenesis for this condition based on the regional anatomical features, principles of vascular physics and Jun 19, 2019 · Background: Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP), the abnormal dilatation of internal jugular vein, is generally considered a benign anomaly. This report describes the case of a left-sided internal jugular phlebectasia in a 4-year-old child that was surgically treated with a resection and an end-to-end repair. Internal jugular vein phlebectasia and duplication: Case report with magnetic resonance angiography features. Surgical Treatment of jugular vein phlebectasia in children. 2019;14(3);77–79. J Vasc Surg 2008;47:1337-8. The authors describe the clinical features, treatment and outcome of this anomaly. Twenty-three cases of paediatric vocal fold nodules with JVP were studied. Authors Internal jugular vein (IJV) phlebectasia is a rare condition presenting as a self-reducible soft tissue swelling of the neck due to fusiform dilation of the venous wall. Int J Pediatr Otorhi-nolaryngol 2001;57:155-159. 1 Right-sided IJVP is more common than left. Diagnostic criteria of internal jugular phlebectasia in Korean chidren. Then an operation of envelopment of the right internal jugular vein with Ectasia of the internal jugular vein is an isolated saccular or fusiform dilatation of the vein . Differential diagnosis include laryngocele, cavernous hemangioma, cystic hygroma, branchial Jugular phlebectasia is fusiform dilatation of internal jugular vein seen in childrens. Internal jugular phlebectasia, which is of unknown cause, may present similarly. Jugular phlebectasia (JP) is being increasingly recognized, especially with the advent of major laryngeal and cervical surgery and non-invasive diagnostic methods. We report a 4 year old male presented to Expert ENT &a … Jan 13, 2020 · This paper reports two new cases, reviews all cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in children published in English literature upto 1996 and recommends diagnostic methods and treatment policy. Rossi A, Tortori-Donati P. Dec 1, 2008 · Diagnosis is usually made through Doppler sonogram and CT scan. The term phlebectasia indicates abnormal outward dilatation of the vein without tortuosity and differs from the term varix , which implies dilatation plus tortuosity [ 8 ]. It is most commonly diagnosed in children. Kovanlikaya I, Gunbay MU, Pirnar T, Ceryan K. Keywords: Phlebectasia; neck mass; ultrasound; sonography Authors: Irfan Mohamad (Corresponding author) M. Kwok KL, Lam HS, Ng DK. It is usually asymptomatic, so it is often ignored or misdiagnosed. Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) also known as venous congenital cyst, venous aneurysm, venous ectasia, or essential venous dilatation refers to a congenital fusiform or saccular dilatation of the jugular vein that appears as a soft, compressible mass in the neck on straining like coughing, crying, and sneezing or may be triggered by the Valsalva maneuver. The clinicopathology, aetiology and management are discussed. It is liable to be misdiagnosed or managed inappropriately. A 10-year-old male with no history of trauma and an enlarging right neck mass is presented, which suggests a mechanical obstruction in the neck or mediastinum, but the exact cause is still unknown. Sep 1, 2006 · Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is a cervical mass that occurs relatively infrequently and usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. It commonly presents as a unilateral neck swelling which typically increases in size with valsalva maneuver. Cylindrical, internal jugular phlebectasia during Valsalva maneuver. Pediatr Radiol 2001;31(2):134. However, because IJP is uncommon, little jugular vein phlebectasia: Review of the literature. Oct 1, 2006 · Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is a cervical mass that occurs relatively infrequently and usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. Phlebectasia is a term which denotes abnormal saccular or fusiform dilatation of veins Neck swellings that appear on straining, crying, and Valsalva maneuver are usually suggestive of laryngocele. Usefulness of ultrasonography and Doppler color flow imaging in the diagnosis of internal jugular phlebectasia. On physical examination, soft and cystic swelling bulged Aug 2, 2013 · Background. Int Pediatr Otorhi- nolaryngol 2:165-171 3. It is a congenital malformation and usually encountered in childhood. Accurate diagnosis from careful history, physical examination, and radiological Dec 24, 2021 · Phlebectasia is a fusiform dilatation of the vein; it affects any vein in the neck, and the most affected veins are the internal jugular vein, followed by the external jugular vein, and less frequently, superficial communicus and anterior jugular veins . Am J Surg 2006;192(03):286–290 17 Hung T, Campbell AI. First reported by Harris (1928), who diagnosed it as a congenital venous cyst, IJP represents a venous dilation without tor- Sep 1, 2006 · The case of a 24-year-old patient who presented with right-sided neck swelling that increased on straining and the importance of performing neck examination with the Valsalva maneuver in such cases illustrates the value of including IJVP in the differential diagnosis of neck swelling. 16. May 22, 2021 · Aneurysms of the jugular vein system are rare and high clinical suspicion is needed for diagnosis. BACKGROUND Sep 1, 1992 · Internal jugular phlebectasia is a venous anomaly commonly presenting as a unilateral neck swelling in children. org (Accessed on 07 Jan 2025) https://doi. vein. ur J Pediatr Surg 1993 e Feb;3(1):46-47. Amami AlN, Macki K (2015) Internal jugular phlebectasia: a case report and literature review. J Vasc Surg 2008;47(06):1337–1338 Jan 1, 2000 · Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) is a rare disease in which there is a fusiform dilatation of internal jugular vein, usually presents as an intermittent neck mass in children. Feb 25, 2009 · Opinions on the etiology of aneurysms and phlebectasias vary. 1. Accurate diagnosis from careful history, physical examination, and radiological study can be made. We describe 2 cases of phlebectasia of internal jugular vein in children with voice change in one of them. J Paediatr Child Health 2000 Oct;36(5):517-519. To establish sonographic (US) criteria for the diagnosis of internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) in children and to determine reliable cutoff values of US measurements with high specificity and sensitivity. Its aetiology remains controversial. We report a 4 year old male presented to Expert ENT & Diagnostic Centre presenting with history of painless right neck swelling in the right carotid %PDF-1. We report the case of a 7-year-old boy who presented with painless soft mass in Jul 1, 2012 · It is stressed the importance of keeping IJP as differential diagnosis while dealing with such a swelling to avoid invasive investigations and inappropriate treatment. balik e, erdener A, taneli C, Mevsim A, Sayan A, Yüce G. Introduction. We present a jugular phlebectasia case in a 10-year-old child, associated to the atrophy of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and other vascular anomalies. [ 4 ] Dec 1, 1999 · Background/Purpose: Phlebectasia of the jugular veins is a venous anomaly that usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. Background: Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP), the abnormal dilatation of internal jugular vein, is generally considered a benign anomaly. 14. It is a rare venous malformation, and etiology is not clear. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 57(2):155–159 Internal jugular phlebectasia is a rare condition. A 5-year-old boy presented to our outpatient clinic with swelling on both sides of his neck. 1999;19:105-108. A 7-year-old boy presented with cough due to pertussis and powerful cough-induced headaches. At present, conservative treatment is preferred for pediatric but not for adult patients. Fig 1. org/10. Jul 1, 2019 · Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is a cervical mass that occurs relatively infrequently and usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. Apr 21, 2023 · External jugular venous aneurysm: an unusual cause of aneck mass ina young child. In the now four cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in Menkes disease (the present report plus one other case ), we noted equal right and left side frequency. Jugular phlebectasia in children. No treatment is indicated for this benign self-limiting condition. ' rt the clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment options of internal jugular vein phlebectasia as well as a review of the Dec 1, 2023 · Internal jugular vein phlebectasia, a rare benign condition, is most frequently found in children, and it affects mostly the right internal jugular vein. Introduction Jugular vein ectasia is a localized fusiform dilation of the jugular venous system, usually the internal jugular vein. Internal jugular vein phlebectasia is a rare condition that presents with neck swelling. Malays Fam Physician. It usually occurs in children but can occur at any age. The most common cause of a neck mass that increases in size on straining is laryngocele. No brain abnormalities were detected, but the right side of his neck was Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) is a rare disease in which there is a fusiform dilatation of internal jugular vein, usually presenting as a neck mass in children. In the two diagnosed cases in our clinic, the conduct was attending once the clinical pictures are asymptomatic. 2. 15. Hussein A, Trowitzsch E. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Case study, Radiopaedia. IJP is a rare, congenital, benign, isolated, sporadically occurring fusiform or saccular dilatation of Internal Jugular Vein (IJV) of unknown aetiology usually presenting as a unilateral neck mass. doi: 10. D (USM), M. Because of its rarity, jugular vein phlebectasia cases have frequently been misdiagnosed or have been managed inappropriately. Am J Surg 108:380-383 4. J Paediatr Child Health 2000;36:517-9 7. 46. Case presentation The patient was a 7-year-old boy who experienced swelling on the right side of the neck due to straining at age 2–3. The yellow arrow shows a marked dilatation of the right internal jugular vein without abnormalities of the adjacent structures. Nov 28, 2013 · 1. Am J Surg Phlebectasia is a fusiform dilatation of the vein; it affects any vein in the neck, and the most affected veins are the internal jugular vein, followed by the external jugular vein, and less frequently, superficial communicus and anterior jugular veins . It transiently appears during straining as a soft cystic neck Jun 23, 2022 · Surgical treatment of jugular vein phlebectasia in children. The louder the bigger: A case of jugular phlebectasia in a child. Med (ORL-HNS) Primary cough headaches (PCHs) are mainly observed in people aged >40 years, but cough-induced headaches are potentially symptomatic in children. Jugular phlebectasias in childhood reportedly have a predilection to occur on the right side, while jugular phlebectasia in adulthood are more common on the left side . com Jan 7, 2021 · Diagnostic considerations for a neck mass that enlarges with Valsalva manoeuver include superior mediastinal tumour or cyst, laryngocele, or jugular phlebectasia where laryngocele which is the most common cause of neck swelling that increases in size with Valsalva in children [1,2,3]. Multicenter randomized prospective studies are required to further understand this rare anomaly. After 6 Jugular Phlebectasia in Children. Surgical treatment, Yuce, Jugular phlebectasia in children, European Oct 6, 2020 · IJP is a rare, congenital, benign, isolated, sporadically occurring fusiform or saccular dilatation of Internal Jugular Vein (IJV) of unknown aetiology usually presenting as a unilateral neck mass. Upon searching the English literature, published between 1996 and 2001, 31 cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in children were described in the UK mostly occurring on the right side. Treatment is mainly conservative in cases where there are no symptoms or complications. 2006. surgicalneurologyint. J Pediatr Surg. Eur J Pediatr 1996;155:67. Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) is a rare disease in which there is a fusiform dilatation of internal jugular vein, usually presenting as a neck mass in children. 2003; 38(10):1557-9. [Google Scholar] 9. The main complaint was a soft and compressible mass in the neck, becoming more prominent with the Valsalva maneuver. Aug 31, 2023 · Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is of unknown etiology and is caused by vein dilatation without tortuosity, which is rare in children. Most internal jugular vein dilatations occur unilaterally on th … Apr 24, 2024 · Al-Shaikhi A, Kay S, Laberge JM. Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1997; 4(1):107-8. Paleri V, Gopalakrishnan S. Congenital jugular vein phlebectasia. Internal jugular vein is affected in most cases of phlebectasia in head and neck region; it is frequently observed on right side Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is a cervical mass that occurs relatively infrequently and usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. Objective: To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of patients with rare abnormal veins: the internal jugular phlebectasia. The American Journal of Surgery 192(3): 286-290. To our knowledge, all existing information on PCH has been from adult cases, but here, we report a case of PCH with internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) in a child. Oct 26, 2024 · Jugular phlebectasia refers to a saccular or fusiform dilatation of the neck veins. 1016/S0022-3468(99)90323-8 Corpus ID: 3012800; Jugular phlebectasia in children: is it rare or ignored? @article{Sander1999JugularPI, title={Jugular phlebectasia in children: is it rare or ignored?}, author={Serdar Sander and Mehmet Eli̇çevi̇k and Murat {\"U}nal and {\"O}mer Vural}, journal={Journal of pediatric surgery}, year={1999}, volume={34 12}, pages={ 1829-32 }, url={https Aug 12, 2013 · IJVP refers to fusiform dilatation of the vein without tortuosity and usually presents as a neck mass in children. The purpose of this report is to discuss the differential diagnosis, the methods of imaging, the mode of treatment, and to demonstrate some factors that have made us believe that the condition may not be an actual rarity but rather May 1, 2013 · Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) may often be overlooked in clinical practice and the management for JVP include surgery and a conservative approach. 47. This feature and other connective tissue abnormalities appear to be consequences of deficient activity of lysyl oxidase, a copper-dependent enzyme. Unilateral right-sided internal jugular phlebectasia in asthmatic children. Phlebectasia is an abnormal fusiform dilation of a vein. Gruber first reported a phlebectasia of the lower part of the internal jugular vein in 1875 . Dec 18, 2017 · 1. It is Jianhong L, Xuewu J, Tingze H. J Pediatr Surg 1989;24(3):303-5. HKMJ 2000;6: 431 . 9. 1,2,4 Surgery is considered only when there is evident thrombus Introduction. 1995;112:473-475. 2,5 A couple of cases were reported to have internal jugular phlebectasia presenting in adulthood; however, the neck swelling was evident since birth Dec 1, 1999 · Background/Purpose: Phlebectasia of the jugular veins is a venous anomaly that usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. All of the operated children recovered uneventfully, except 3 for cases who underwent ligation of the right internal jugular vein. It is classically considered a rare benign structural anomaly, with only 247 cases reported. this is an attempt to elucidate the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and review of the To our knowledge, all existing information on PCH has been from adult cases, but here, we report a case of PCH with internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) in a child. J Paediatr Child Health 2000;36: 517-9. jugular phlebectasia in asthmatic children. The most common cause of a mass in the neck appearing only during straining is a laryngocele. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Med Surg. IJP is diagnosed on physical Fig. Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is of unknown etiology and is caused by vein dilatation without tortuosity, which is rare in children. All Mar 18, 2019 · Discussion. Nov 18, 2023 · Four children with jugular phlebectasia diagnosed by venography, US and CT are reported. It transiently appears during straining as a soft cystic neck Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) in infants and children presents as a nonpainful, nonpulsatile, compressible mass on the neck that enlarges when the patient performs a Valsalva maneuver, coughs, or cries (Figure 1). The parents reported observing an enlargement of the neck since the past two years, which was noted only when coughing or sneezing and soon downsized afterward. Full Text. Am J Surg 2006;192:286-90. Jugular fusiform phlebectasia is thought to be a childhood disease [4, 7, 10–12]. We have studied the relationship between JVP and vocal fold nodules in paediatric patients as well as the effects of treatment. Dec 1, 2011 · Congenital internal jugular phlebectasia corresponds to congenital dilatation of the vein without tortuosity. Nine external and two anterior jugular phlebectasias were resected and three in- Apr 1, 2004 · Phlebectasia of the internal jugular vein (IJV) is a rare venous anomaly that usually presents in young children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck and represents a pathologically enlarged vein. 1016/j. Ann Trop Paediatr. While surgical intervention is used in situations of complications or for cosmetic reasons, conservative treatment is the standard of care when deformities and complications are absent. Am J Surg. Ultrasonography of the right neck. In adults, the venous aneurysms are mostly acquired and are more common on the left side. Surgical repair of left internal jugular phlebectasia. Keywords: Aneurysm; internal jugular vein; phlebectasia. Phlebectasia of the jugular veins is a venous anomaly that usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. 2 It can affect any neck vein, particularly the internal jugular, external jugular, anterior jugular and Jianhong L, Xuewu J, Tingze H. amjsurg. Jul 6, 2010 · Internal jugular phlebectasia-an unusual cause of neck swelling. Sep 1, 2006 · Because of its rarity, jugular vein phlebectasia cases have frequently been misdiagnosed or have been managed inappropriately. Nov 1, 1999 · Phlebectasia may occur in a number of different sites, having been reported in the limbs and groin, parotid, superior mediastinum, sural nerve, small intestine, external jugular vein, and other miscellaneous sites. Jugular phlebectasia. Uzun C, Taskinalp O, Koten M, Adali MK, Karasalihoglu AR, Pekindil G. We present a case of jugular bulb phlebectasia in a 4-year-old boy. External jugular vein aneurysms (EJVA) are considered innocent lesions that need treatment mainly for aesthetic reasons. Surgical intervention for internal jugular phlebectasia is occasionally necessary in cases of phlebitis, thrombus formation, rupture of the lesion, and some cosmetic deformity. Inci S, Bertan V, Kansu T, Cila A. The cause of the jugular phlebectasia A, Sayan A, Ytice G (1993) Jugular phlebectasia in children. Internal jugular vein (IJV) phlebectasia is a rare condition that presents with neck Jan 3, 1997 · Conservative treatment is strongly recommended, especially when the lesion is located in a certain area as in the jugular bulb [12] and bilateral jugular phlebectasia [13] and when surgical intervention carries a high morbidity like neurovascular injury or mortality. Mar 1, 1993 · This paper reports two new cases, reviews all cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in children published in English literature upto 1996 and recommends diagnostic methods and treatment policy. This report describes the case of a Introduction: Congenital internal jugular phlebectasia corresponds to congenital dilatation of the vein without tortuosity. Phlebectasia involving the jugular veins is an entity which is diagnosed more commonly in children presenting Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) is a rare disease in which there is a fusiform dilatation of internal jugular vein, usually presenting as a neck mass in children. Hu X, Li J, Hu T, Jiang X. 53347/rID-35485 Phlebectasia may affect any vein and is usually asymptomatic. It is liable to be Nov 28, 2013 · 1. All patients received voice therapy. Oct 10, 2007 · Jugular vein phlebectasia, a fusiform dilatation of a vein without tortuosity, is a rare cause of cervical neck swelling in children. Apr 1, 1995 · Every patient with a swelling in the neck that enlarges in size after the Valsalva manoeuvre, straining, coughing or sneezing should be suspected of having jugular phlebectasia. On the other hand, the rare jugular phlebectasia may present in a similar manner. Jun 19, 2019 · Background: Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP), the abnormal dilatation of internal jugular vein, is generally considered a benign anomaly. Congenital internal jugular phlebectasia is a rare entity. The term phlebectasia differs from aneurysm. More than one hundred cases of phlebectasia involving the neck veins have been reported in the literature. It can be either unilateral or bilateral, and becomes apparent with Valsalva. Management of internal jugular vein phlebectasia. 2,3 The evaluation of suspected IJVP includes medical history, physical Internal jugular phlebectasia (IJP) is defined as a fusiform dilatation of the internal jugular vein without tortuosity [1]. Absence of a wide mediastinum or air in the mass on simple chest films eliminates mediastinal tumor or laryngocele, respectively. 1016/S0194-59989570288-1. Although, the patient was diagnosed with PCH with internal jugular phlebectasia. First reported by Harris (1928), who diagnosed it as a congenital venous cyst, IJP represents a venous dilation without tor- Feb 1, 2001 · Internal jugular phlebectasia is seen more often on the right side. Internal jugular phlebectasia an unusual cause of neck swelling. 4 Thus, adulthood onset of internal jugular phlebectasia when compared to childhood onset is extremely rare. Images Background. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Paleri V, Gopalakrishnan S (2001) Jugular phlebectasia: theory of pathogenesis and review of literature. Usually no treatment is necessary for this benign condition Oct 10, 2007 · Jugular vein phlebectasia, a fusiform dilatation of a vein without tortuosity, is a rare cause of cervical neck swelling in children. We report a case of a child diagnosed with PCH without an intracranial disease. Conclusions: Valsalva maneuver was most important for establishing the diagnosis Jan 30, 2017 · Jugular vein aneurysms are rare vascular abnormalities that are most commonly encountered in the pediatric population. 0001. In children, jugular phlebectasia is commonly encountered on the right side. Thromboembolic complications in lower extremity venous aneurysms are far more common, occurring in up to 71% of cases [1]. Keywords: pediatric neck masses, neck anterior neck mass, usg jugular vein, congenital venous ectasia, internal jugular phlebectasia, internal jugular vein abnormality Introduction Arterial aneurysms, which result from multifactorial vascular deterioration and often manifest between the sixth and eighth decades of life, are frequently seen in Internal Jugular Phlebectasia: Diagnosis by Ultrasonography, Doppler and Contrast CT Key Words: Phlebectasia, Internal jugular vein, Contrast enhanced CT, USG Doppler ABSTRACT Jugular phlebectasia is an isolated saccular or fusiform dilation of a vein without tortuosity. Although several theories have been proposed regarding the pathogenesis of IJVP, including certain anatomical and physical factors, its etiologies remain unknown. Jianhong L, Xuewu J, Tingze HU (2006) Surgical treatment of jugular vein phlebectasia in children. Fig 3. It is usually asymptomatic, so it is often ignored or misdiagnose … Thus fusiform jugular phlebectasia is thought to be a childhood disease and secondary or acquired thrombosed venous aneurysms are usually seen in adults . Apr 8, 2024 · Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) refers to fusiform, non-tortuous distention of a portion of vein, two to three times its usual size, first addressed by Harris in 1928. 5. However, because IJP is uncommon, little is known about Phlebectasia has been reported in all neck veins internal jugular, external jugular, anterior jugular, and superficial communicants in order of decreasing frequency . Jianhong L, Xuewu J, Tingze H. Eur J Pediatr 154:275–276. Methods: Three patients with swollen during straining or crying were diagnosed as internal jugular vein dilatation by ultra-sonography, DSA and MRI. Unilateral internal jugular phlebectasia. Phlebectasia of jugular veins can cause a similar sign but is rare compared to laryngocele. thrombosed jugular phlebectasia may show signs of a cervical lymph node infection, and attempt to drain in an outpatient office may turn a simple lesion into a disaster. External jugular venous aneurysm: An unusual cause of the neck mass in a young child. [Google Scholar] 18. 14 More than 100 cases of phlebectasia involving the neck veins including anterior and external jugular veins have been reported in the world literature, but Nov 18, 2023 · Children presenting with swelling in the neck need to be carefully evaluated. The aim of this systematic review was to present current literature regarding diagnosis and management of EJVAs. Thus, tests assessing internal jugular vein morphology and function should be considered for PCH cases. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 2016;24:759–762 16 Jianhong L, Xuewu J, Tingze H. The purpose of this report is to discuss the differential diagnosis, the methods of imaging, the mode of treatment, and to demonstrate some factors that have made us believe that the The internal jugular vein was involved the most frequently. In these phlebectasias, patent blood flow is typically present [11–13] and the size of the internal jugular phlebectasia can even become less evident as the child reaches puberty . Shetty ND, Dhande R, Parihar P, Unadkat BS, Bora N, Desale P. Am J Surg 2006;192(3 Oct 28, 2024 · huge left internal jugular phlebectasia in a 14 year-old boy worsened and complicated over years of wait and see approach that needed surgical treatment. Bilateral doppler ultrasonography is the diagnostic investigation of choice and should be performed in all suspected cases. Swollen neck in children: a report Surgical intervention included ligation of the involved jugular vein in 31 cases and draping with medical Dacron cloth in 1 case. Childs Nerv Syst 1995;11:533-5. 025. All of the children except 2 had an ultrasound or color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) performed in combination with the Valsalva's breathing test. 45. The purpose of this report is to discuss the differential diagnosis, the methods of imaging, the mode of treatment, and to demonstrate some factors that have made us believe that the condition may not be an actual rarity but rather May 4, 2017 · Pul N, Pul M (1995) External jugular phlebectasia in children. Jul 30, 2024 · Background: Jugular vein phlebectasia is a rare entity seen in children and is often an incidental finding presenting as a soft, cystic painless neck swelling that becomes prominent on coughing or straining and disappears on rest. However, because IJP is uncommon, little is known about its natural history, and currently, no consensus on the best treatment modality is available. Although most patients did well with merely conservative treatment, still management of this vascular anomaly has to be on a case-by-case basis. Jugular phlebectasia: theory of pathogenesis and review of literature. 4 %âãÏÓ 617 0 obj > endobj xref 617 80 0000000016 00000 n 0000002884 00000 n 0000003084 00000 n 0000003120 00000 n 0000003770 00000 n 0000003813 00000 n 0000003967 00000 n 0000004121 00000 n 0000004259 00000 n 0000004494 00000 n 0000004898 00000 n 0000005299 00000 n 0000005807 00000 n 0000006189 00000 n 0000006653 00000 n 0000007194 00000 n 0000007306 00000 n 0000007701 00000 n Jun 1, 2017 · Thromboembolic complications including spontaneous thrombosis in cases of jugular phlebectasia and jugular venous aneurysm are reportedly rare [12]. Clinical diagnosis and treatment of internal jugular venous adult patient with unilateral left-sided internal jugular vein phlebectasia with radiological images. This report describes the case of a thrombosed jugular phlebectasia may show signs of a cervical lymph node infection, and attempt to drain in an outpatient office may turn a simple lesion into a disaster. There is no controversy about the indication of surgical treatment in patients with symptomatic uni- lateral jugular phlebectasia. It commonly presents as a soft cystic mass in the neck that transiently appears during straining. TREATMENT AND RESULTS Treatment. Bowdler DA, Sing SD (1986) Internal jugular phlebectasia. External jugular phlebectasia in children. Diagnosis and treatment of 20 patients Chin Med J (Engl). Internal jugular vein (IJV) phlebectasia is rare in occurrence and is frequently misdiagnosed and managed inappropriately. Increased occurrence of the left-sided lesions in elderly hypertensive patients have been attributed to compression of the left innominate vein by a high atherosclerotic aorta. Every time a child exhibits a neck mass that has gotten larger from exercises that raise intrathoracic pressure, such as the Valsalva technique, the diagnosis of JVP should be taken into account. Indudharan R, Quah BS, Shuaib IL. 02. Pul N, Pul M. There is a clinical need for universal classification of venous malformations to prevent confusion and therapeutic errors [ 5 ]. We report two separate cases in infants, both of whom presented with enlarging neck masses and were found to have jugular vein aneurysms. This report elucidates the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment choices, and postoperative complications of JVP, and diagnostic methods and treatment Background/purpose: Phlebectasia of the jugular veins is a venous anomaly that usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. Garrow E, Kirschten H, Soh HL (1964) Internal jugular phlebectasia. Congenital jugular vein phlebec-tasia. Eur J Pediatr- Surg 3:46-47 2. 4. Eur J Pediatr Sep 7, 2023 · Internal jugular vein phlebectasia, a rare benign condition, is most commonly found in children, and affects predominantly the right internal jugular vein. Phlebectasia of the internal jugular vein (IJV) is a rare venous anomaly that usually presents in young children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck and represents a pathologically enlarged vein. Jeon CW, Choo MJ, Bae IH, Shin SO, Choi YS, Lee DW, Sim KH. Mar 18, 2019 · Internal jugular phlebectasia is a rare disorder which can be either unilateral or bilateral, and it is diagnosed often during childhood. Kwok KL, Lam HS, Ng DKK. One hundred ten physicians were asked to describe the jugular phlebectasia and its ideal treatment. Eur J Pediatr 1995; 154:275-6. It occurs more commonly in the upper extremity and cervical veins and tends to be asymptomatic without serious consequences as opposed to lower limb venous aneurysms which may complicate with pulmonary thromboembolism in adults. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Int J Pediatr Jun 6, 2014 · Jugular phlebectasia is fusiform dilatation of internal jugular vein seen in childrens. While the former has a homogenous fusiform dilatation of the whole length of the vein, a localized ectasia is The most common cause of a mass in the neck appearing only during straining is a laryngocele. When the internal jugular vein is involved, it presents as a cervical swelling that cl … Varicose veins are a common venous anomaly, but rarer varieties also occur including phlebectasia, which is an abnormal dilatation of an isolated vein. DKK Ng, KL Kwok, HS Lam. Keywords: Internal jugular vein, Neck mass, Phlebectasia, Venous dilatation www. The louder the bigger: A case of jugular phlebectasia in a child Kandiah R, Mohamad I Kandiah R, Mohamad I. 3. Hua X, T JL, Hub T, Jianga X. This paper reports two new cases, reviews all cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in children published in English literature upto 1996 and recommends diagnostic methods and treatment policy. Accurate diagnosis from careful history, physical examination Patel M Phlebectasia of internal jugular vein. Cystic, external jugular phlebcctasia. The treatment is excision of the affected jugular vein. However, the resultant neck scar can be of suboptimal cosmesis, with consequent psychological distress, particularly for children. Horner’s syndrome due to jugular venous ectasia. 14 More than 100 cases of phlebectasia involving the neck veins including anterior and external jugular veins have been reported in the world literature, but Jugular vein phlebectasia (JVP) is a cervical mass that occurs relatively infrequently and usually presents in children as a soft cystic swelling in the neck during straining. PCHs are normally reported in adults, but they can also occur in children. 13. The presence of any pain or discomfort was denied. Mickelson SA, Spickler E, Roberts K. 2006; 192:286-290. However, surgical removal for cosmetic purposes alone consists of a unilateral excision of the DOI: 10. However, almost any of the cervicofacial veins, such as the anterior jugular vein or the anterior facial vein, may also be affected. Fig 2. 6. 2,5 A couple of cases were reported to have internal jugular phlebectasia presenting in adulthood; however, the neck swelling was evident Jan 1, 2009 · This paper reports two new cases, reviews all cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in children published in English literature upto 1996 and recommends diagnostic methods and treatment policy. Surgical treatment of jugular vein phlebectasia in children. Sep 1, 2019 · Upon searching the English literature, published between 1996 and 2001, 31 cases of internal jugular phlebectasia in children were described in the UK mostly occurring on the right side. Cylindrical, external jugular phlebectasia with narrowed proximal and distal ends. 1 The term phlebectasia is used to describe an abnormal outward dilatation of a vein without tortuosity. 2003; 38: 1557-9. This produces no gross side-effects Pul N, Pul M. 8.
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