Radiation box calculation in hfss. nPlease go through Discrete Frequency .
Radiation box calculation in hfss (1. (By unclicking the auto-region button (on the solution type) this vaccum box is automatically created). August 16, 2018 51 16: Calculate Form Factor Assuming In your model select the faces, then right click for assign boundary, then PML setup wizard. My question is simply: Do I need to define an integration However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting a clear response. Jun 17, 2010 · if u radiation box is to small S parameter was fault like u gain in antenna my best suggestion is that u convert u made Sm3 file and insert in CST in cst u can find u structure write or not and found u structure radiation box if u dont have CST i suggest chose lambda/4 to lambda/2 of structure lambda for radiation box Jul 22, 2004 · radiation resistance dipole antenna Hello I've calculated your dipole's impedance using CST MWS coz I'm more familiar with it. For an Ag nanoparticle with 100nm radius, placed at (0,-0. how to define the air box size? i think the length more than wavelenght/4 doesn't work. 6GHz and drew radiation box corresponding to 10. We will choose the box to be centered on the antenna and λ/2 wide, so that all surfaces are at an adequate distance from the antenna. I read in posts that dimensions of radiation box should be more than lambda/4 from the edges of the radiating structure. When I change the size of the Radiation Box S-parameter results (S11 and S21) are affected. How to plot the magnitude and phase of electric field in space around an antenna? This video demonstrates how to plot the magnitude and phase of E-field in s Oct 26, 2004 · It had done sweeps for a fixed air box and waveguide structure, with just the change of slot's offset and length. Part 4 – Bring the Horn and Reflector Antenna together and perform post-processing for Surface Currents and Far-Field Radiation Patterns. They allow you to calculate various types of inductance on a wide variety of cores. I don't understand what it says. The radiation box extends from -13. can anyone tell me the steps for calculating Feb 8, 2016 · suppose i made a structure assigned wave port to it now suppose if the whole geometry is kept inside the radiation box such that the port is also inside. Asked 20th Nov, 2023 I read in posts that dimensions of radiation box should be more than lambda/4 from the Jul 21, 2012 · when I try to plot radiation efficiency I get integers not percentage. The air box is a box that have been assigned as radiation boundary. 17 answers. Having a radiation boundary defined I guess isn't necessary for waveguide couplers, but after subtracting to make the apertures, the empty space left behind must be filled somehow to connect the inner air boxes of each waveguide. Under Input click the Geometry Button, Find the Surface (NOT VOLUME) that corresponds to your radiation box. See also An Introduction to HFSS. However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting a clear response. Nov 9, 2024 · 1. used especially for microstrip patch antenna in uwb range i. P. please help. Jan 25, 2007 · am confused about the role of radiation boundary dimension on the simulation results on a patch antenna. I designed a monopole antenna in HFSS. How to calculate RCS in HFSS in designing of MIMO antenna. To see the accuracy of the radiation boundary vs. Could somebody tell how HFSS calculate radiation efficiency? In my project I have small value of reflection coefficient at the antenna input (s11 = - 15 dB), but difference Could somebody tell how HFSS calculate radiation efficiency? In my project I have small value of reflection coefficient at the antenna input (s11 = - 15 dB), but difference between directivity and May 19, 2017 · How o calculate impedance in hfss using polar plot. 29mm, on the 0. This is obvious and it can be seen clearly in the This procedure allows us to use a finite-sized box to capture all the radiated fields, even though induced currents on the infinite PEC ground plane contribute to the radiation outside of the box. The radiation box in HFSS, also referred to as an air box, plays a crucial role in antenna simulations by absorbing outgoing electromagnetic waves. In the script phase_center. This box can be extended either at top or bottom of the patch. Demonstrating extra steps to calculate antenna efficiency Apr 4, 2023 · It will automatically make the radiation box for your design. Question. Nobody was able to explain it to me :((( I have However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting a clear response. 1GHz. Range of frequency = 1 MHz to 10 MHz. Please subscribe to our new Channel. 3. Please help me in this regard. I need help because I have faced a problem in simulation a design in HFSS. 2 replies. I also increased the size of the loop. 3)Subtracting copeis of objects from radiation box. 4 answers. - We can modify the radiation box to account for the mutual coupling by putting up electric walls. 1 to 10. In HFSS if you wanna near radiation box to the structure smaller than lambda/4 or you want to have more accurate results you can use this kind of boundary condition. We can identify the main radiation lobe in the yz plane. Aug 13, 2020 · In HFSS you have to design the environment like radiation box in your own and assign them. Note: You must have defined at least one radiation or PML boundary in the design for HFSS to compute near-field quantities, regardless of which radiation surfaces you instruct HFSS to use when calculating the near fields. I am new at this. I defined two ports for the waveguide and a radiation box ouside the slit. Thanks in advance. Here are those traces overlayed with the previous calculation: Simulation Overlayed on Calculation. The S11 plot looks okay and radiation patterns too are okay but when I use the "Compute Antenna parameters" feature ( by right clicking the infinite sphere used to calculate the far fields ) , it gives a radiation efficiency of 1. pdf so I can upload it. Aug 16, 2018 · Seeding radiation boundary can improve far-field data Open field calculator using HFSS > Fields > Calculator. 6GHz. 2 and Im[rE θ]=-7. 5 2 5 . ) 2)Giving any copy of other objects of your ant. Boxing. Apr 4, 2006 · Re: Radiation boundary problem in HFSS with antenna simulati Hi, I've uploaded the file in attach. This setup allows you to analyze the interaction between the antenna, the water box, and the radiation box, providing a more accurate representation of the antenna performance in a water HFSS will not accept wave port inside radiation box and so radiation box touched with the sides of the substrate. pdf, in the online Help or in the HFSS install directories, Chapter on "HFSS Boundaries" for equations. 25 mm (quarter-wave at 2. According to HFSS guidelines, the radiation Dec 17, 2021 · The radiation boundary is defined to absorb the inward electromagnetic radiation incident on it. now creating bounderies. 7 answers. And does any one have the idea about the radiation box dimension. If you want to analyze reflection properties of a structure only then one port is sufficient otherwise you can have two ports. The box should extend down below the substrate. View Since the radiation of a patch antenna is concentrated at broadside, a rectangular box enclosing the structure is only needed; the height of the airbox is 31. Could somebody tell how HFSS calculate radiation efficiency? In my project I have 1)Drawing Radiation box. View Nov 24, 2015 · How can I calculate the load impedance in HFSS? Question. Key steps included drawing the substrate and ground plane boxes, assigning the microstrip width, adding wave ports, enclosing in a radiation box, and simulating the design. I should be able to calculate the power going out using the fields calculator. Finite Element Boundary Integral (FEBI) is an alternative to Radiation and PML boundaries for radiating designs. Antenna structure placed inside a box of water (dielectric material defined as water). I asked the writter of the seminar, and he answered this, with no more explanation or reply to my mail:" You are right that you set 1/4 lambda of radiation box. 5 GHz,we get 13. HFSS calculates modes that can propagate in this semi infinite waveguide with cross section same as enclosed by waveport boundaries. Jan 25, 2021 · When I change the size of the Radiation Box S-parameter results (S11 and S21) are affected. This is how HFSS treats it. What should be the size of the radiation box while simulating an NFC coil in HFSS Please remember to set the radiation box at least λ /4 away from the T-line. Hope this helps What should be the size of the radiation box while simulating an NFC coil in HFSS? Question. Can anyone tell me how to solve it? Thank you in advance, Could somebody tell how HFSS calculate radiation efficiency? In my project I have small value of reflection coefficient at the antenna input (s11 = - 15 dB), but difference between directivity and HFSS uses the frequency information to calculate the wavelength and the default dimension of the region box (the RadiatingSurface). It was found that the radiated power is linear in the inverse surface area of the radiation box, and nonlinear when plotted versus the inverse volume or inverse length of a side of the radiation box, (last two plots not shown). HFSS provides 2 options; 1) Custom Array Setup: where the user can import an array setup using a txt file or 2) Parametric Array Setup: where the user can define the array setup in this interface. One big question: I've created a radiation boundary with the box of air as in figure. You can change then the offsets that this box has (practically the distance between the edge of the vacuum box to the design. Aug 18, 2006 · I can't find out the proper size of the air box in HFSS, cuz the result shows a quiet big difference btw HFSS and sonnet. I do not know what are you trying to do or what do you mean by extending a dielectric box in half space. HFSS uses a two dimensional FEM solver to calculate these modes. e a torus around the dipole. 0 of permitivity) at To assure good far-field calculations, the box should extend at least λ/4 away from all radiating surfaces. 6 answers. In case of using "radiation" boundary condition, the radiation box need to be at least (lambda0/4) from the edges of the design. In hfss I gave solution frequency as 10. Suppose your operating frequency is frc and range of simulation is from Nov 14, 2017 · To calculate the far field, you do not have to use the radiation boundary to perform the calculation. S. This is not really necessary. I would like to do this independent of the antenna itself by only simulating the cable and varying different through different signal levels. 6GHz) antenna. What I have to do is to simulate slot arrays on waveguide and radiation from these arrays. Figure 13 shows that the accuracy of the Radiation boundary drops after around 15 degrees scanning. will that be called internal excitation? 2. 5, S parameter changed a lot, and there is too much loss in this case. Dec 7, 2009 · Hi folks, I wanted to calculate the phase of the S-parameter S21 of a very simple hollow waveguide between 12GHz and 18GHz as a function of the waveguide length using HFSS (see attachement). ) I use: create far field report->rectangular plot->antenna parameters->radiation efficiency Is it right? whats missing so I get efficiency in percentage versus frequency? any help would be appreciated. When I plot rE θ pattern, at Φ=0° and θ=90°, I get Re[rE θ] =-5. Divide the structure into a finite element mesh using tetrahedral elements. I think maybe my cap is wrong. In antenna simulation, Radiation box should be lamda/4 far from Apr 2, 2020 · Comparing PML and Floquet Port with Radiation Boundary. Theoretical 1st resonance (for inf. In HFSS: right click on Results -> click Output Variables -> give a Name -> add the following in the Expression box -> click on Add Oct 13, 2006 · So, basically the radiation box where radiation is measured is in the near field?!!! I am getting far-field measurements in HFSS when I simulate with a lambda/4 radiation box, are they not correct measurements?!!! 3. Final Question, what if I have a receive antenna in HFSS, how different will it be from the transmit antenna as far as setting up Jun 8, 2012 · In HFSS if you wanna near radiation box to the structure smaller than lambda/4 or you want to have more accurate results you can use this kind of boundary condition. For Australian and N I am designing a patch antenna using coax feed in HFSS. 2GHz BW. 02? Approximately 1. I draw my design,define boundary conditions and excitations and I press Validation check button. Jan 19, 2012 · I want to know that What should be the Dimension of radiation box in hfss? Nov 19, 2013 #2 F. That is, the Jan 17, 2019 · 1) The document describes designing a microstrip transmission line in HFSS software to meet specified objectives. That need to be lambda/6 or smaller at the highest frequency, so length of a tetrahedral on the radiation boundary needs to be 10 mm or less for accuracy at 5 GHz. This initial calculation is referred to as the “port solution”. I have a system include 2 loops and a spiral coil (a Wireless Power Transfer, WPT System). com/channel/UC34GHDwqDux32A2GZ_MDIMAAntenna matching and placement is How to estimate the dimensions of the radiation box in antenna design using hfss or CST . Well, not up to lambda / 4. View Jul 15, 2015 · Run the simulation: Run the HFSS simulation to calculate the S-parameters of the antenna. Where (lambda0) is calculated relevant to the minimum simulation The radiation box is about the size of ¼ the wavelength for a box with a length of about 9mm. CST. Only allowed with lumped ports). In the uniform layer thickness, let the hfss use the default formula to find the thickness. I have designed and antenna from a research paper for uwb range but want the dimension of radiation box. The radiation and the performance of the antenna array can be analyzed using the Antenna Array tool. Asked 21st Apr, 2019; Could somebody tell how HFSS calculate radiation efficiency? In my Apr 29, 2013 · Hello, I have a simple question. The structure is then covered by a vacuum box to allow radiation of fields, radiating boundary condition will be applied to outer surface to act as infinite free space. Thank you Oct 15, 2021 · Some time we might have noticed more than 100% antenna efficiency prediction in HFSS. with a little change in the air box, everything will change. Check your convergence results. 4 GHz). hfss. 15um,-0. Make sure that stop frequency is higher value. 013 . You can know more about this from HFSS help PDF. please help Jul 3, 2009 · Re: HFSS boundary YoungEng: Thank you for your help. Internal Wave Ports in HFSS. to open with HFSS remove the . One approach to finding the correct dimensions for the radiation box is to start with a large box (greater than λ/4) and then gradually decrease the size of the box in small steps (for example, Here's how to calculate them: A common rule of thumb is to set the radiation box size to at least a quarter wavelength (λ/4) larger than the biggest radiating edge of your antenna in all Although you can calculate the distance using the standard near field and far field radiation distances with respect to your radiator size and frequency. 8-2. Discussion. It bears error:At least one material assignment should have solve inside set. this is suggested by ansoft. Define testing functions W n Sep 29, 2004 · First, you need to create a radiation box for your CPW. 4MHz, predicted by MWS is shown at 90. Radiation efficiency is calculated by integrating power using the mesh on the radiation boundary. These walls create images which simulate the same environment as having the other radiating elements present. But otherwise there is only Radiation efficiency directly available in HFSS. I had my antenna inside a rectangular box of soil with specific dielectic material to imitate different soil condition. Dec 2, 2002 · Hello, I need to calculate the power lost through a slit in one walls of a waveguide. it's troubling me to define the air box in HFSS. However, I am unsure if it is the correct approach. How does shape of radiation box (air box) in hfss affect gain of the antenna? Question. But when I try to set the boundary condition for the long side walls of the line as 'radiation' I could not find that option anywhere. Here's how to calculate them: Minimum Size: Radiation Boundary • Create a Radiation Setup • Select the menu item HFSS > Radiation > Insert Far Field Setup > Infinite Sphere – In the Infinite Sphere Tab – Name: Infinite Sphere 1 • Phi: – Start: 0 deg – Stop: 90 deg – Step Size: 90 deg • Theta: – Start: 0 deg – Stop: 180 deg – Step Size: 2 deg – Click the OK button Basically, according to HFSS manual, height of Rad_Box >= lamda/4 where lamda is operating frequency (solution frequency). I tried by right clicking at a point in the white space and and looked in Aug 28, 2011 · Hi My antenna is an ultra wide band (3. The FEBI boundary is a hybrid FEM (Volume) and IE solver (Radiating Surface). I am modeling a microstrip patch antenna as a receiving antenna where the microstrip is terminated by a wave port to "receive" any propogating waves from the patch, which is excited by a plane wave. After inserting the directivity analysis group, a set of monitors forming a box will be inserted into the simulation domain. Aug 28, 2007 · Re: HFSS air box i would suggest using pml boundary for radiation problems, especially where radiation pattern accuracy or field calculations are needed to be accurate. (greater 3 or up order than Dimensions of your antenna. You can do so by right mouse clicking on the design name in the project manager and choosing 'Auto Open Region' under the solution type dialogue box. Asked 14th Nov, 2021; Could somebody tell how HFSS calculate radiation efficiency? In my Jun 19, 2008 · I designed a filter in HFSS, but I found that radiation box size effet the s parameter a lot. Hope this help you. This is what you see. 3 answers. pdf extensions and it works. Wave port in contact with radiation boundary the usual case. You are prohibited from providing (i) information that is confidential to You, your employer, or any third party, (ii) Personal Data or individually identifiable health information, (iii) any information that is U. With the fields calculator follow these steps: 1. Thread starter opamp_op07; Start date Apr 14, 2011; Status from analytic point you could calculate max radiation for 1 watt. After the simulation the Aug 6, 2005 · The first time using HFSS optimization fuction,and when I edit calculation: AxiaRatio: (procedure:Name:AxiaRatio…Report Type item :“Far Fields”…solution item” Setup:LastAdaptive…Category:Axia Ratio…Quantity”AxiaRatioValue”…Function:<none>),and add in,but in vain. In HFSS go to HFSS tab> Results> Create Far Filed report> Radiation pattern> select trace tab> select directivity > select DirPhi and DirTheta > select dB> go to familes tab and select phi=0 (for The solver will use IE to capture the interaction between the boxes and it will (by default) assume the medium between the boxes is air (user does not need to define it). see attachement. Joined Jul 9, 2011 Messages 40 Helped 19 A microstrip patch antenna is placed in x-y plane with thickness in the z plane. Copy the Vector_RealPoynting Named Expression onto the stack. Apr 21, 2009 · could somebody tell me how I could Have radiation box and waveport with eachother in HFSS? I use cap but HFSS gives me an error([error] Port refinement, process hf3d error: Port 1 is assigned to an internal face. CST automatically assumes the Radiation box. User Input and Results. 1. Video demonstrate the calculation of RF dissipation losses inside the metals and dielectrics using Ansys HFSS However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting a clear response. To draw the radiation box, select Draw => box and input the following parameters for the box: Sep 8, 2018 · How to See 2D, 3D radiation pattern and current distribution in HFSS Radiation patterns will be different (ok, its very similar, but different direction). my filter works at 1. How can this happen ? Apr 2, 2023 · But I don't know how big the box must be and also why by changing the dimensions of the air box (radiation box) the results are also changing (the radiation box is always larger than λ/4 starting for the edges of the water box)? The designers of HFSS Ansys say that this must not happen and that the dimensions of the radiation box must not You can try to use Calculator (based on fields, voltages, current etc) available in HFSS, if you have the formula. Cite Nov 15, 2024 · Perfect electrical conductors A radiation box around the antenna structure was created to analyze the radiation characteristics and ensure proper simulation of far-field parameters. The distance of Radiation boundary from your structure should be Lamda/4. 2. Two different approaches - array theory and aperture field - are first described, and numerical results are then presented for various reflectarray configurations. View Apr 24, 2009 · 4- A radiation boundary is used to simulate an open problem that allows waves to radiate infinitely far into space, such as antenna designs. Aug 22, 2024 · In your case based on description, I understand that line structure is inside simulation volume therefore PEC caps are required for wave ports. In addition to the mesh density and all that, changing the radiation boundary padding also vastly changes the results. The horn geometry is surrounded by an air box named I'm simulating LWA with HFSS to calculate attenuation constant (alpha) with the Radiation Efficiency=1-exp(-2*alpha*z) equation but this approach is not correct Feb 1, 2016 · However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting a clear response. lsf used for the PC calculation, we select the “yz” plane for the calculation of the PC which is the plane of the main lobe. View What should be the size of the radiation box while simulating an NFC coil in HFSS? Question. 29mm, space between trace and top ground is also 0. 2. can anyone provide me the way to calculate the dimensions of radiation box for a patch antenna in hfss. I designed one microstrip patch antenna on FR-4 substrate in HFSS software. HFSS absorbs the wave at the radiation boundary, essentially ballooning the boundary infinitely far away from the structure. Government Classified, Controlled Unclassified Information, International Traffic in Arms Regulators (ITAR) or Export Administration Feb 10, 2017 · My question, at which r does HFSS calculate rE? As an example, consider a half-wave dipole with lambda =51. I increased the pass number and initial mesh size but I got the same results. 15um), the main lobe is positioned at θ between -20° to 110°. Since the radiation of a patch antenna is concentrated at broadside, a rectangular box enclosing the structure is only needed; the height of the airbox is 31. These modes depend on the port cross-section size, and port composition. The antenna with airbox and waveport setup is shown in Fig. 8, S parameter works good, but when Lamda=300mm/1. Regards. Again, I assigned the air box top surface for radiation boundary and left all other 5 sides by default. so first select external box faces and next go to HFSS menu, then Boundaries, and then PML Setup Wizard to set its parameters. HFSS has the ability to compute antenna parameters automatically. But do you realise computation does round-off decimal numbers, with literally millions of calculations of long decimal numbers take Mar 31, 2002 · radiation efficiency hfss Hi all, I am simulating a p@tch antenna. Here is a problem, I am simulating a grounded coplanar waveguide with width of 0. Jan 25, 2021 · In HFSS I have designed two Dipole Antenna with 50cm distance between them. Right-click the Radiation icon in the project manager window and hfss design manual 2021 setting tool options 26 part 1 – hfss: creating the horn antenna 26 creating the airbox 27 create radiation boundary 28 create a radiation setup 28 creating an analysis setup 28 save project 29 Dec 3, 2011 · 1) To get the radiation pattern one needs to use a small mesh on the radiation box. My purpose is to calculate Resonant frequency of Spiral coils and S21(dB) in CST. How to tell HFSS what port to use for field calculation? When I deactivate first-defined excitation in Excitations group, HFSS stops to build radiation patterns. - - - Updated - - - Solved. Kindly tell proper steps to obtain co and cross polarization radiation pattern in HFSS. Any expert can help? thx a lot !!! And the file is attached in below. The advantages and limitations for each method are discussed, and the numerical results are compared with each other, showing Radiation boundaries also serve the same purpose in HFSS. Then you can make the rectangular port a little bit lower than the substrate. PML and Floquet Port, I ran the simulations for scan angles up to 60 degrees for a single element patch antenna. New videos will be posted herehttps://www. Further the faces of the vacuum box are individually selected for assigning the radiation boundary. Calculate radiation box dimensions with respective to 3. Sep 22, 2012 · Hi all, I am new to HFSS and and I am trying to develop the model of a stripline. What is the radiation box size in HFSS for Very compact patch antennas fed by CPW ? Question. However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting •HFSS provides the ability to study the performance of an array having the single antenna performance. I've named it lamp. Calculate the RCS: Make sure that the radiation box is large enough. The results fit. nPlease go through Discrete Frequency Nov 15, 2020 · Radiation Matched Robert Eisenhart 12 Consider an interior element of a long linear array, with the tight E-plane coupling. • Select the menu item HFSS > Boundaries > Assign > Radiation… • Click the OK button Note: Radiation boundary assignment can be visualized by selecting the boundary condition in the Project Manager window. In order to produce the calculations, the user must define an infinite sphere for far field calculations. I’m attaching the results. 5% of radiation efficiency. The radiation boundary acts as a way to extend and make the model look like it is surrounded by infinite free space. Aug 3, 2021 · The Ansys Learning Forum is a public forum. It is giving radiation efficiency of 45 % and return loss of -12 dB at 3 GHz. Apr 2, 2023 · Yes the antenna is inside of the water box. 76mW I am trying to simulate an NFC coil in HFSS. I have simulated it with air box dimensions as per the free space wavelength of 22m. Jul 22, 2004 · Re: Airbox in HFSS you do not really need a space between the bottom of your ground plane and the bottom face of the radiation box - on the edges of the ground plane, you should definitely put the lambda/4 distance to the side faces of your radiation boundary. Approach A. What to expect : since the 50 Ω T -line is loaded with 50 Ω , expect to have good matching, i. As expected the simulation time is huge and also, I am not getting Hi there! This video shows how to use the ANSYS HFSS built in array factor calculation method to compute antenna array radiation pattern for designs that hav Initially, HFSS will calculate the modes that can exist in the cross-section that serves as the excitation port of the waveguide. e 3. so When lamda=300mm/1. 1-10. The Antenna Array Setup can estimate the radiation of an antenna array by using as single element radiation of the existing Aug 3, 2022 · Hello everyone,Using HFSS, I would like to simulate the radiation of a coaxial cable which typically occurs when the cable is attached to an unbalanced antenna. 1') select bounary 2') select radiation 3') click on sides your radiation box. When I plot it in HFSS I get an option to plot the whole field including electric and magnetic field(rE), whereas I need to plot just the magnetic field around the Sep 28, 2015 · However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting a clear response. e. What is the exact method to determine E-plane and H-plane from far field antenna radiation pattern in HFSS ? Sometimes the E-field changes direction with different phase values. In practice, to calculate the fields and S-matrix associated with a structure with ports, HFSS derives a finite element matrix using the above field equations. I'm new with HFSS. I attached my simulation file. To model the system using a hybrid solution with the reflector solved as a PO region, all geometry objects are placed in HFSS design. (using hfss) 1. in order to use wave port without making any change in the radiation box do i There is a bug in HFSS. 13 mm in both x and y directions. fereshteh Member level 1. Nov 8, 2024 · Calculation of a single-layer inductor in ANSYS HFSS There are many professional commercial programs that are members of the “electromagnetic simulators” class. i. Set it at a distance of lambda/4 from every side of the antenna. If it is ok then check ur radiation box because it plays a key role. thin dipole) should appear at 97. I need to plot just the magnetic field radiation around it. You can improve the accuracy of the calculation by applying a mesh operation to the radiation boundary. I've just find out that if I change the dimensions of my Air box (I've done a cilindrical air box) my radiation patterns change a little bit. Then I had air box surrounding this soil box. 6 answers ECC from the S parameter i can calculate in hfss. To learn more about boundaries in HFSS, you can go through the HFSS Help document - Assigning Radiation Boundaries. could any body look at it? Thank you Jul 23, 2010 · radiation box dimensions in HFSS. Jan 30, 2016 · Hello, I am facing an issue. 5 answers. Radiation box surrounding the antenna and the box of water. I try: Menu: HFSS->Fields->Edit sources. Asked 14th Nov, 2021; Could somebody tell how HFSS calculate radiation efficiency? In my Dec 30, 2009 · Hi. By general rule, this boundary should be placed at a distance which is at least one forth of operating wavelength. 1 lambdabut no luck I also increased the size of the radiation boxand even changed the shape to a sphere instead of a rectangular boxbut still no change in the pattern. But if you want to make your structure periodic/infinitely long then you have correctly applied Master/Slave boundaries on the sides of your box and terminating Top side with PML Radiation efficiency issue in HFSS Addressing radiation efficiency above 1 in HFSS simulations. 127mm thickness substrate (3. As a sanity check, I've tried to use the conservation of energy to verify that the transmitted vs reflected power is equal to 1. . Normally Phase(S21) = - (2*pi / wavelength) * length. Its dimensions are critical to ensure accurate results without affecting the antenna's behavior. What happens to the other half of power? HFSS allows you to calculate power loss in different geometry. Antenna Design λ/4 is often not enough for good radiation boundary calculation, although We are changing aal type of dimension but efficiency is greater than one but radiation box is operating 3. 7MHz (decreased because your dipole is of finite thickness) HFSS PO Hybrid Region // 2 / Horn-Fed Reflector Antenna An electrically large reflector of 22 wavelengths in diameter is fed with a rectangular horn. When a radiation boundary is included in a structure, far-field calculations are performed as part of the simulation. e >0. Asked 21st Apr, 2019; How o calculate impedance in hfss using polar plot. The following shows, in principle, the procedure that HFSS follows. But in CST you have to only design the structure. 30 Oct 2, 2024 · Array Factor Calculation Setup. Hallbjorner, "The significance of radiation efficiencies when using S-parameters to calculate the received signal correlation from two antennas," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Aug 1, 2023 · element. To check the radiation pattern calculation accuracy, user can increase the FEBI box size and see if that impacts the pattern. For example, what is the power loss in dielectric material with loss tangent of 0. 13 mm to 13. Actually it is recommended to create another surface closer to the antenna to calculate the May 7, 2008 · hfss radiation box Hi everybody! I have to simulate a very easy antenna (a dipole) surrounded by a radome (a cilindrical or spherical geometry) of many different thickness. Yea, when I use a dipole antenna the radiation pattern is correct. 7 mm located at origin and oriented in the z-axis. There is a rule of thumb to have the port height at least 4 times the substrate thickness. I need to open holes on a wave guide, unfortunately could not succeed it yet. To add the array factor calculation, you can go to the HFSS menu item > Radiation> Antenna Array> Antenna Array Setup. Dec 24, 2013 · I want to discuss about the impact of Radiation Box in CST simulation. It is required to define if the simulation model is radiating structure. In HFSS I have designed two Dipole Antenna with 50cm distance between them. 3 mm why I taking 2×2 double U slot antenna, resonance frequency is 30. View Feb 28, 2019 · Hi,nPlease go through the following responses to the questions in the same order regarding:nThe floquet port quantity depends on your need. youtube. , reflection coefficient close to the center of the Smith Chart across the entire frequency range. Kindly assign radiation boundary to air box/simulation box enclosing line structure. nPlease go through Scaling a Source's Magnitude and Phase section of the Help document. Mar 6, 2013 · This paper compares two basic methods for analysis of the radiation performance of reflectarray antennas. View Radiation Boundary • Create a Radiation Setup • Select the menu item HFSS > Radiation > Insert Far Field Setup > Infinite Sphere – In the Infinite Sphere Tab – Name: Infinite Sphere 1 • Phi: – Start: 0 deg – Stop: 90 deg – Step Size: 90 deg • Theta: – Start: 0 deg – Stop: 180 deg – Step Size: 2 deg – Click the OK button Mar 25, 2019 · The radiated power of the antenna is ~5. its really creating problem for me. Thanks, Yes, you can use the fields calculator or generate the radiated power from a report once you have solved the model. The plot below shows the sum of the transmitted and reflected power vs the incident power (as reported by HFSS): Oct 18, 2006 · Dear all, I have been studying on HFSS for my master thesis for 2 months. lambda The above setting is enough to obtain 100% radiation efficiency. Is How to calculate number of modes in HFSS using Eigen mode solver? Question. Log (Prad) versus Log • The default integration surface is defined as the radiation boundary, FEBI boundary, or the surfaces a PML are defined on. 44mW, which is only 54. Coaxial cable radiation occurs when the However, if I reduce the size of the air box to the expected radiation range of the antenna (15cm in my case), I am getting a clear response. bpkl zzukil ancyv tltsk rercn didx mdmdm zohku gyangkfy upnpx