Haplogroup cts241 About a third of y haplogroups in Norway are R1a, and X2e is not uncommon in the UK. [1] One subclade, R-DF13 comprises over 99% of bearers. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-CTS8401 was born between the years 2259 and 1128 BCE. The most likely estimate is 996 BCE, rounded to 1000 BCE. ) However, his paternal haplogroup came back as R-L1335 and mine is CTS-241. De Baumgarten's genealogies, published by the Pontifical Oriental Institute in the 1920s and 1930s demonstrate a substantial transfer of genes through marriages across Europe and into the Middle East. The most likely estimate is 1204 BCE, rounded to 1200 BCE. ; McCONNELL; WEBB) Congratulations! I have the same result, although I was assigned a more specific subclade. The most likely estimate is 2211 BCE, rounded to 2200 BCE. It is both numerous and widespread among modern populations. My immediate reaction was that our fathers have different fathers, but then the thought occurred to me that while we both took the test from 23andMe, I took mine back in 2017 and he took his in 2023. Haplogroup U3 is centered around the Black Sea, with a particularly strong concentration in the north-eastern part. g. Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Rice , Jewell , Whitaker , Simons , Gibson , Davis , Powell , Hewitt , Jones , Richards . Other common haplogroups include R-P311 and I-P109 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. major haplogroup - SNP name) of DNA testers found in their WikiTree profiles which include results in YSearch. Sep 23, 2021 · Haplogroup R is an upstanding member of the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree. Haplogroup R-CTS241 is descended from haplogroup R-M343. Aug 26, 2022 · 23andMe gives my Haplogroup as R-CTS241 (Y-Full says this is equivalent to R-DF13). He’s buried in grave 1778 between 500-700 CE. Y-DNA Haplogroup R and its Subclades - 2014. I’m from Yorkshire in England, so are my parents and grandparents. I just upgraded to V5 and they report me as R-CTS241, which BIG TREE says is equivalent to R-DF13. MickCol R1b-S476 y-Haplogroup. Haplogroup I moves west across Europe, south of the glaciers, at the same pace. The most likely estimate is 2475 BCE, rounded to 2450 BCE. It represents the Greco-Anatolian, Italic, Celtic and Germanic branches of the Indo-European speakers. 2+ Project, Gareth Henson. Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2014. My parents are from central Mexico but my great grandfather was a Spaniard. After chasing why my paternal cousin's haplogroup came back as R-L1335 when the rest of us are R-CTS241 for about a year, his haplogroup was changed to R-CTS241 last week. I know my great grandfather was Scottish (paternal side) and it says I’m 21% Scottish, but that’s about all I know in regards to that. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the Mar 16, 2014 · DF13, for example, which comprises about 95% of R-L21, is not listed by that name in Big Y but is known as CTS241. The most likely estimate is 12,821 BCE, rounded to 13,000 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1990 BCE, rounded to 2000 BCE. 2000). The thing is, the former’s paternal ancestors were, as far as anyone can tell, ethnically Indian from the north, in what later became Pakistan. Welcome, This DNA Project welcomes all men who have been tested J2b2 M241+. In SNP name order. It is found in most of Europe, but especially in Balto-Slavic In process of creating groups not only in familys but in Haplogroups, as your ydna can not match someone else unless you are in the same Haplogroup. aka R1b1a1a2a1a2c1e2b; (Very prominent early clade, found all around Western Europe, incl. aka R1b1c7, S642; poss. Main article : Haplogroup U3 (mtDNA) Haplogroup U4 is strongly associated with Y-haplogroup R1a. Haplogroup/e (résumé/summary): R1b-DF13/CTS241. I'm wondering if 23andme just didn't test beyond the broad ancestral haplogroup, or if there weren't any mutations on my Y line in the last 4,200 years (which seems unlikely). 5%. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-Z225 was born between the years 2898 and 1620 BCE. My dad got R-M417 for y haplogroup (it’s part of R1a) and a maternal aunt got X2e for mtDNA. We have a very unique Spanish last name. The likelihood they would share a MRCA within a genealogical timeframe is slim, making it probably useless for recent genealogy. The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. CT has two basal branches, CF and DE. Feb 17, 2021 #122 Duarte said: Y-DNA haplogroup CTS241 mtDNA haplogroup V19. One of the most engaging features of 23andMe’s Personal Genome Service is a customer’s ability to trace his or her genetic ancestry using the mitochondrial DNA and the Y-chromosome. My maternal haplogroup is H1. Haplogroup R1b is the dominant paternal lineage in Western Europe. DE is divided into a predominantly Asia-distributed haplogroup D-CTS3946 and a predominantly Africa-distributed haplogroup E-M96, while CF is divided into an East Asian, Native American, and Oceanian haplogroup C-M130 and haplogroup F-M89, which dominates most non-African populations. R1b-DF13 y-Haplogroup (CTS241) aka R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a (Isogg 2018), R1b1a2a1a2c1 (Isogg 2015); aka S521; (very huge clade; rapid growth associated with BELL BEAKER in Oct 1, 2022 · His YDNA haplogroup is R-CTS241. 2 to 21. Other common haplogroups include R-Z209 and R-P311 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. R-L165 (S68) Project, Lori McLeod-Wilke, Alasdair Macdonald, Conrad Terrill, Timothy McLeod. King of Proto- PICTS); (some Stewart, FERGUSON, QUIGLEY; McCoy, etc. You will find them at the bottom of the Y-Results page. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-L1335 was born between the years 1691 and 781 BCE. I have R-CTS241 haplogroup. He’s a first-degree relative of I11569, given the shared T2a1a it’s likely he’s a brother or child. aka R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a, R1b1a2a1a2c1 (Isogg 2015); (same node (stop-gap) as its parent, just set up for R_org clade names); (McALPIN) aka S474, am01922; (important in Atlantic BRONZE AGE; MacCRINAN; McCREARY, McCRARY, McWILLIAMS; McDONALD; DOUGHERTY, DAUGHERTY; McDEVITT; FREW; HAGAN; McGEE; Cain) The western-Eurasian haplogroup U has been found at low frequencies in western as well as eastern Africa, raising the possibility of a relatively ancient African origin for this haplogroup (Torroni et al. Y-DNA R1b (aka R-M343) subhaplogroups shown by YCC shorthand naming (i. At first, I immediately thought their great-grandfathers must not actually share the same father, and I still think that's most likely, but I did notice that the haplogroups broke down as: In general, most European royal persons are related, which potentially narrows down the number of authentic haplogroups considerably. Other common haplogroups include R-L21 and R-L1335, which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. Editor’s note: This post has been corrected from the original, which gave the incorrect location of Jesse James’ grave. Directions for citing the document are given at the bottom of the Main Page. My dad's Y-DNA shows his haplogroup as R-Z17693. 1 (Edgecombe Clifford The top paternal haplogroup of people with the surname Mcnally is R-S660, which is predominantly found among people with European ancestry. Other common haplogroups include R-P311 and R-Z367 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. ) aka Y11641; (Western Scotland; McCLAIN, McCLANE, MacLEAN; GLANDENNING, GLENDINNING; very large LITTLE clade; KENNEDY; McDONALD, McDANIEL) In Cornwall, all of the very early DF63 branch of L21 belongs to one cluster, plus a few more members of a rare parallel haplogroup This cluster is the L21>DF63>BY592>Z16246>Z17553>BY3070>FT72783>BY3004>BY7782> BY7789 >BY7774>BY36126 From BY7782 on, (late Bronze Age) , is British. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup O-CTS201 was born between the years 15,405 and 10,615 BCE. It appears to be most strongly related to Y-haplogroups J1 and J2. 1975) s an American actress, producer, director, activist and businesswoman. ) At first glance it looked like an NPE happened, but the more I dug into it I found out that L1335 is a subclade of DF13 and it is entirely possible that our cousin's test was just more refined than ours; our tests TRI0059 AMIRAULT dit TOURANGEAU, François m 1683 Marie PITRE. She starred in television series Desperate Housewives from 2004 to 2012, for which she was well received and was the recipient of Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award nominations. Downloading this spreadsheet as Excel retains format. Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our autosomal DNA, Y-DNA, and mtDNA tests. Jun 16, 2008 · Jesse James. Haplogroup R-S660 is descended from haplogroup R-M343. 4. Nov 4, 2024 · Y Haplogroup Predictor (YHP) The software is described in a preprint by Mengyuan Song, Feng Song, Chenxi Zhao, and Yiping Hou YHP: Y-chromosome Haplogroup Predictor for predicting male lineages based on Y-STRs, published online 12 January 2021; Felix Immanuel's Y-Haplogroup Predictor, and Y-HaploGroup Population Browser, 2013; Haplogroup specific: This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. aka BY182, R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a2b2b1 (Isogg 2018); (CONNOR) Male. Click here for a list of, and links to several of the commonest Allen clades. This project is a meeting place for users who share the R-CTS2501 Y-DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their paternal lines. Also, remember to update your information at WikiTree if you take more DNA tests or upgrade. Z2542/CTS8221 is currently an equivalent SNP in the R-DF13 haplogroup (different mutations but not enough testing to identify which occurred first). Corrections/Additions made since 1 January 2013: R-CTS241 is about 4,000-4,500 years old, so anyone sharing the same haplogroup could share a patrilineal ancestor from that far back. Of course no one should think of constant migration: groups probably settled down for centuries and only moved on when hunting, grazing, competition, or other forces made them move. I have haplogroup R-CTS241. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup I-CTS6433 was born between the years 3030 and 1797 BCE. Paternal haplogroup assignments now include the name of the major branch and the name of a representative genetic marker. Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Mcgowan , Hughes , Dugan , Sherman , Gibbons , Duggan , Howe , Hopkins , Cameron , Davies . The top paternal haplogroup of people with the surname Canavan is R-M222, which is predominantly found among people with European ancestry. So far all CTS2501+ men have tested DF41+. It is an old, rare haplogroup that came with the first Neolithic farmers to the UK from Eastern Europe via the Mediterranean. aka df105; (dunn; frew, milligan, milliken, kennedy; molloy; morrow; mcdonald, donaldson, o'connell, mckean, etc. The most likely estimate is 127 CE, rounded to 150 CE. R-DF13, which is also known as R-S521, R-Z2542 and R-CTS8221, as well as the phylogenetic name R1b1a1a2a1a2c1a, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup, which is characteristic of a majority of the living male inhabitants of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany. The most likely estimate is 2519 BCE, rounded to 2500 BCE. Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Bernard , Manuel , Burk , Bullard , Clemens , Winters , Gerard , Swift , Burke , Morgan . His second cousin on his paternal line, male with the same paternal descent, has a haplogroup of R-Y4010. 2+ based on the results of another (unrelated) Tesla from the same village as his father. Links may not copy to new sheet. External page: ALLEN is a common surname and only a small portion of Allens come from this subclade. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-S14328 was born between the years 3407 and 2007 BCE. Papa was a rolling stone. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-CTS6 was born between the years 1495 and 567 BCE. R-17-14-10 Haplogroup Project (aka L371), Robert Hughes. MickCol Y-DNA Haplogroup R and its Subclades - 2019-2020: 3. What’s interesting is that another cousin, who is NOT related to the one in question, also has that haplogroup. It underwent intensive research and was previously classified as R1b1a2 (2003 to 2005), R1b1c (2005 to 2008), R1b1b2 (2008 to 2011) and R1b1a1a2 (2011 to 2020). Dec 5, 2013 · The Y-Haplogroup R SRY2627+ and L176. "Child(ren)": R1b-CTS9881 y-Haplogroup ; L1066* ; BY4105 (PR4692) ; S9189 ; FGC17258 (FGC17240) ; FGC35539 (FGC35534) ; CTS10108 (Brady) ; FGC37003 (McKellar aka CTS6581, S524; (rapid growth associated with BELL BEAKER in BRITAIN); (STEPHENS, PIKE, McCRERE, CREER; RIGGS; MORRISON; CAVANAUGH, KAVANAGH, LAMBERSON; DIXON); (S775 and several other 'children' clade together as Z43690; This haplogroup is associated both with Irish clades and Scotland's Stewarts; there were doubtless many migrations among ancient Armorica (Brittany), Britain and Ireland) "Child(ren)": R1b-S673 y-Haplogroup ; DF85* (Wanuch Battle McCurdy etc. 1583 was the Great Great Grandfather of John Adams . "Child(ren)": R1b-S695 y-Haplogroup ; BY3146>A850>BY11749 (Alexander Quigley Patterson Laird Leaird) ; BY3146>S7361 (McWhannell Henderson etc. This blog post describes some of the science behind the report and the details of the update to our paternal haplogroup assignments to improve accuracy. She was born in Salisbury, England, all the subsequent women in the line were born in Bristol, England. Paternal haplogroups are families of Y chromosomes defined by specific sets of shared genetic variants. Haplogroup/e (étendu/extended): R-M269→P312→L21→DF13/CTS241 aka R-CTS11722, CTS6838, S749, poss. The most likely estimate is 2347 BCE, rounded to 2350 BCE. from northern Brythonic region (STRATHCLYDE), migrating south to Brittany, then back to Britain with Wm. Her mtDNA haplogroup was apparently W3a1. The source and the date for the Mitochondrial (mtDNA) haplogroups should be entered as reported by the genetic genealogy testing lab, along with which lab did I have this haplogroup. Over 300,000 years and 10,000 generations, Dad’s male-line descendants have rolled over land and sea, hunted mammoths, created pottery, forged iron and survived an Ice Age. The official ISOGG Haplogroup R tree; Thomas Krahn's Draft Tree (may contain new SNPs placed only approximately) To join the R-DF41 project, most project members will meet one of these criteria: A positive (derived) result for DF41 or CTS2501 or any of the SNPs located under R-DF41/R-CTS2501 R2 Y-Chromosome Haplogroup DNA Project, Abdulaziz Ali et al. The most likely estimate is 4019 BCE, rounded to 4000 BCE. In my more recent test, 23andMe was able to further hone in on my paternal haplogroup as R-CTS241 (aka R1b-DF13 aka R-S521 aka R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a), a subclade (“child”) of R-L21. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-L51 was born between the years 4874 and 3269 BCE. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the method. The most likely estimate is 1940 BCE, rounded to 1950 BCE. WikiTreers are encouraged to add to this list. R-L21 or R1b1a2a1a2c, also known as R-M529 or R-S145, is a Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Some descendant subclades have been found since pre-history in Europe, Central Asia and South Asia. Other common haplogroups include R-L21 and R-A1067 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. Haplogroup Minimal Y12 Y17 Y23 Y27 Ymax; AM01922: R1b-DF49: 0 Haplotypes: 0 Haplotypes: Dec 11, 2020 · The haplogroup is found mostly among the inhabitants of Ireland and Great Britain. So perhaps some of you have some Quebecois and at least France in the distant branches of your family tree. The L1335 SNP descends from CTS241 SNP. My Y DNA haplogroup on 23andme is R-CTS241, which is pretty common in the UK, but it's ancestral to many distinct subclades. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-CTS1211 was born between the years 2998 and 1781 BCE. My paternal and maternal families settled in southeastern Kentucky. e. ) The story of your paternal-line ancestry is the story of an extraordinary migration. Y-SNP marker Haplogroup Minimal Y12 Y17 Y23 Y27 Ymax; AM01922: R1b-DF49: 0 Haplotypes: 0 Haplotypes: 0 Haplotypes: 0 Haplotypes: 0 Haplotypes: 0 Haplotypes: CTS241: R1b-DF13 So I had one of our other brothers tested and he shared my paternal haplogroup. Other common haplogroups include R-L21 and R-P311 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. I11582 is100% WBI. L21/S145 is a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) that characterizes a major R haplogroup. Eire; this very large clade is associated with some Irish families, e. The most likely estimate is 1224 BCE, rounded to 1200 BCE. Initial testing found that various men with the surname Taveras from the R-P311 haplogroup and from with paternal lines originally from or near Santiago de los Caballeros were matching at the Y-37 level on FamilyTreeDNA. Sep 21, 2023 · 23andMe reports my paternal Haplogroup as R-CTS241. My parents are from Mexico but my great grandfather was a Spaniard. R1b-S775 y-Haplogroup this BRONZE AGE King spawned, eventually, the Stuart dynasties of Scotland (and thus many living descendants); (poss. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-DF13 was born between the years 3114 and 1916 BCE. Added Experimental Composite Y-DNA Haplogroup R Tree by Ray Banks on 28 January 2015. aka R1b3g; (Isogg 2008: R1b1b2a2e); (No. H aplogroup R-CTS241 is descended from haplogroup R-M343. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-CTS3402 was born between the years 2594 and 1465 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-DF13 was born between the years 3163 and 1955 BCE. R2 Y-Chromosome Haplogroup DNA Project. Paternal haplogroup is R-CTS241 and I also share a paternal-line ancestor with Niall of the Nine Hostages, according to 23&ME. I am wondering if there are any members who have tested positive as R-U106, or later clades such as R-U198, R-DF93/4, or R-S4056 who know anything/ or how to find the origins of my particular haplogroup. There is a DNA project on FamilyTreeDNA which can help you understand this result. In the future we hope to show more info about their family trees. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the "Child(ren)": R1b-BY3439 y-Haplogroup ; BY3437* (Kelly Keogh Egan) ; BY24887 (Hawkes Kelly) ; BY3441 (Kelly)-- R1b-P312 y-Haplogroup + A Y-DNA lineage has been identified in the Dominican Republic that is of some interest to genetic genealogists. Other common haplogroups include R-S660 and R-P311 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. R2-M124-WTY Project, Abdulaziz Ali. Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2019-2020 Sometimes haplogroups are called differently! This: When checking your Big Y results, be sure to exhaust the alternate names for SNPs, because not all SNPs appear under the most familiar name. . 6. I asked them for information on it placement on the Haplotree. Jun 28, 2018 · I am haplogroup R-CTS241 and my last name is Hargis. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the Y-DNA project for men who have tested for the haplogroup or subclades of DF41+/CTS2501+ or bear a haplotype that is similiar to other men who are DF41+/CTS2501+. We have a very unique Spanish last name and we don’t know what region of Spain he is from. The most likely estimate is 1651 BCE, rounded to 1650 BCE. "Child(ren)": R1b-A353 y-Haplogroup ; FGC11134* (Belfrage Wright) ; Z17991 (incl. The "J-M241 Y-DNA Project" compiles and studies J2b2 M241+ Y-DNA test results for genealogic purposes, we also aim to connect individuals interested in exploring their family history and promote the use of genetic testing to assist genealogical research. My y-haplogroup is also R-L266, also called R2a, it is likely a carrier of an ancient ancestry type which share a common ancestor with people who lived in ancient Iranian region, who lived nearly 12-20,000 years ago. According to ISOGG 2020 it is phylogenetically classified as R1b1a1b . Today, members of Haplogroup R are numerous and widespread, found most commonly throughout Europe and South Asia. Your paternal haplogroup, or that of your father if you do not have a Y-chromosome, paints a picture of your ancient origins and the migrations of This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. 4% of the lineages in Ireland, but that a distinctive haplotype is found there at a frequency of 8. We're dealing with this in my family right now where a paternal cousin came back as R-L1335 when the rest of us are R-CTS241 (DF13. )-- R1b-L389 y-Haplogroup + Y-DNA Haplogroup R and its Subclades - 2019-2020: 3. Z16325; (very large clade, main source of Clan CAMPBELL; McCUTCHEON; PICTS; occasionally found in MacDONALD, McALISTER In 2006, a group of researchers explored the frequency of haplogroup R-M269 and the Western Atlantic Modal Haplotype (WAMH) in Ireland. Apr 11, 2024 · 23andMe’s Paternal Haplogroup Report describes the genetic line connecting you to your father, his father, and beyond. CTS2501 on National Geographic Geno 2. Wife/Partner: ? Children: R1b-M2775 y-Haplogroup ; Z18079* (Connor)-- R1b-L754 y-Haplogr. Oct 1, 2022 · His YDNA haplogroup is R-CTS241. aka Z2976, Z2983 "Child(ren)": R1b-DF23 y-Haplogroup (S193) ; YP4824-- R1b-L278 y-Haplogroup (M415) + This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. Discover the world of Paternal Haplogroup R-CTS241, the ancient genetic lineage shaping the ancestry of populations. the Conqueror) May 21, 2017 · United States presidents John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup R1b1a2 (R-M269). Ireland) ; Z17591 (Allen Ireland Wales)-- R1b-P297 y-Haplogroup + My paternal haplogroup changed in the last year, Why? You may have seen changes in your paternal haplogroup assignment as a result of the updates we recently made to how 23andMe reports paternal haplogroups. If so, then haplogroup U might have participated in one of the earliest migrations from Africa to the Near East and Haplogroup R-CTS241 is descended from haplogroup R-M343. Seems to be that 23andMe transposed some alleles and borked the haplogroup estimation and I blew up our family's peace of mind for no reason :) Apr 2, 2024 · CTS241 is a synonymous name for DF13, along with S521 (same mutation, different names). 0 chip appears to be phylogentically equivalent to DF41. The most likely estimate is 2655 BCE, rounded to 2650 BCE. H aplogroup R-S660 is descended from haplogroup R-M343. Other common haplogroups include R-M222 and R-L21 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. Other common haplogroups include R-CTS241 and R-L21, which are predominantly This project is a meeting place for users who share the R-CTS2501 Y-DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their paternal lines. Do you think this represents any north-south or Aryan-Dravidian mapping? Feb 5, 2021 · 23andMe doesn't test very deep to provide a Haplogroup. However, the testing of actual relatives, published on the Serbian DNA Project at Poreklo, showed that his Y-DNA line was more probably R1a-M458 (L1029 subclade). Other common haplogroups include R-CTS241 and R-L21 , which are predominantly found among people with European and European ancestry. My maternal haplogroup is X2c, I can trace it back to Woman born in 1815 called Maria. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-S1051 was born between the years 2568 and 1397 BCE. Direct Paternal line is from Norway and direct maternal is line is most likely from England. Corrections/Additions made since 1 January 2015: Added R-P314 Haplogroup to Additional Resources on 25 January 2015. Scientists have traced the origins of all Y-DNA haplogroups to Africa, with groups branching off later as SNP mutations occurred in men of certain geographies. Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Kenyon , Thacker , Boggess , Pauley , Holladay , Fairchild , Shipley , Estes , Harbour , Crandall . With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-Y5058 was born between the years 246 BCE and 441 CE. BY7789 from the mid-Iron age is mainly Cornwall/Devon R-CTS2243 is my paternal haplogroup, shared by 1 in 1,000 23andMe customers. R-M269 is an extremely broad interpretation of the haplogroup R1b, and it's the most common haplotype in Western Europe by far; L21 (the Atlantic-Celtic branch of R1b), U106 (the Germanic branch of R1b) and U152 (the Italo-Celtic branch of R1b) all descend from it. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the Haplogroup R-M269 is the sub-clade of human Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b that is defined by the SNP marker M269. My dad has passed away so I can’t use his DNA, so I had a paternal cousin (my dad’s brother’s son) take the test and his paternal haplogroup came back as a third unique haplogroup. Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new relatives. The American rock legend and cultural icon Eva Longoria (b. The most likely estimate is 2371 BCE , rounded to 2350 BCE . At V2 I was R-L21. Note: It is difficult to match subclades between different DNA services; therefore the 'children' shown for this node (and a few others) may include duplicates. Men who share my haplogroup today are most common in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Ukraine Maybe explains why eastern Europeans have assumed that I'm of eastern European descent as well? I share a paternal lineage with "Mal'Ta Boy" who lived 24,000 years ago in Siberia. (His Y chromosome was anyway. We don’t know what part of Spain he came from but we know that he was very tall, had very pale skin, blond and had blue eyes. Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Patterson , Clarke , Woods , Owens , Kelley , Clark , Gray , Taylor , Robinson , Wilson . belongs to Native American haplogroup A2 according to the PBS TV series This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. If you are male, the Paternal Haplogroup Report provides information about your Y-chromosome haplogroup, which we also call a "paternal haplogroup" because it is passed down from fathers to their sons through the generations. Aug 24, 2022 · Using the Y haplogroup "longhand" CTS241 is one of the SNPs that defines R1b1a1b1a1a2c and L1335 is one of the SNPs that defines R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1f Your Y-DNA results would more than likely be the same if you both took the same Y-DNA test. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup I-CTS1977 was born between the years 2366 and 1223 BCE. ; McCONNELL; WEBB) The top paternal haplogroup of people with the surname Mclane is R-CTS241, which is predominantly found among people with European ancestry. ) ; Y7081 (FGC12188 :: McConkey Lalley etc. The most likely estimate is 1752 BCE , rounded to 1750 BCE . Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Calkins , Shipley , Larue , Fairchild , Kenyon , Estes , Eubanks , Elam , Eubank , Couture . With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-L48 was born between the years 3030 and 1838 BCE. His Y DNA is R-P297. R1b-L744 y-Haplogroup (L746) aka S785, S388, L745; (this Stewart family was huge and powerful; the names of men they cuckolded might be read from Dna test results! :- Mitchell Ward Webb Pearce Robertson Thompson Jones Bryson); (STEWART, STUART, FitzROY, etc. Haplogroup R-M222 is descended from haplogroup R-M343. Other common haplogroups include R-A260 and R-CTS241, which are predominantly This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. His haplogroup was first thought to be I2a-L147. They showed that haplogroup R-M269 accounts for 85. Ancient SCOTS; McCONNELL, McDONALD) "Child(ren)": R1b-M222 y-Haplogroup ; R1b-FGC6540 y-Haplogroup (ZP75) ; Z2961* (Pruner etc. He tested with 23andMe and learned that his paternal haplogroup is R-CTS241. The top paternal haplogroup of people with the surname Evans is R-CTS241, which is predominantly found among people with European ancestry. aka Z3000, Z3006; (BigTree shows S966-S951-S964 all as same node); (Clan COLLA) This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. The Evans project now has 4 Family Groups. 1996; Chen et al. ) ; Y13167 ; A929 (MacAdam) ; A15499>A19675 Haplogroup R-L21 was previously know as R1b1a2a1a2c or R1b-M529. It is often linked to the Insular Celts. This haplogroup likely originated in Ireland around 4,200 years ago. Learn about origins, connections, and impact. Nov 4, 2013 · Estimated haplogroup R-CTS241, aka R1b1a2a1a2c1 per ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree, 17 Jul 2013). With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-Z278 was born between the years 1745 and 774 BCE. He is buried between 500-700 CE in grave 1715. Other common haplogroups include R-A260 and R-CTS241, which are predominantly "Child(ren)": R1b-BY3439 y-Haplogroup ; BY3437* (Kelly Keogh Egan) ; BY24887 (Hawkes Kelly) ; BY3441 (Kelly)-- R1b-P312 y-Haplogroup + Note: It is difficult to match subclades between different DNA services; therefore the 'children' shown for this node (and a few others) may include duplicates. The Y-SNP branch R1b-DF13 is defined by CTS241, CTS8221, DF13, S521, Z2542. "Child(ren)": R1b-A40 y-Haplogroup (FGC5583) ; Y8426* (Sotomayor Waldron) ; BY160 (Z18014 :: Stephens Stevens Selfe etc. A maternal haplogroup is a family of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that traces back to a single common ancestor. They replied all they could tell me is that it is downstream from R-M269. The most likely estimate is 2394 BCE, rounded to 2400 BCE. M. I’ve struggled to find info on this halpogroup also so if anyone can share any info on this please do Haplogroup R, or R-M207, is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. BTW, I came across one article that mentioned how 'under-studied' the W haplogroup is because of the low percentage of people who have it. The top paternal haplogroup of people with the surname Mcnally is R-S660, which is predominantly found among people with European ancestry. And she has a lot of descendants in North America as well. I am from Punjab, you are from Kerala. He’s a first-degree relative of I11569 , given the shared T2a1a it’s likely he’s a brother or child. Haplogroup CT is a human Y chromosome haplogroup. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jun 22, 2015 · Y-DNA haplogroup Mizrahi e-FGC7391. R2-M124-WTY Project. BigY gives my Haplogroup as R-BY39881 which is 6 steps downstream from R-DF13. DF13, for example, which comprises about 95% of R-L21, is not listed by that name in Big Haplogroup R-CTS241 is descended from haplogroup R-M343. The difference is that I took my test a longer time ago which changes things, take the same test at the same time and you probably get same results Haplogroup R-CTS3402, also known as Haplogroup R-M420 (Y Chromosome Consortium long-form label), is a genealogical group of lineages defined by unique genetic markers present on the Y-chromosome. I do know it is most common along the English channel and north sea, particularly in lowland Britain and supposedly flemish and rhenish peoples. Z17992>A9048 (Warthen) : Z17992>FGC18030 (Collins)) ; Z44. Assuming paternity matches the reported genealogy which states Henry Adams b. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-FGC32363 was born between the years 38 BCE and 622 CE. 7. For the hierarchy of these subhaplogroups see M343 at Y-DNA Haplogroup R and its Subclades. The most likely estimate is 322 CE, rounded to 300 CE. 5. GALLAGHER, BOYLE, DOHERTY, O I had the same questione except my father had R-L1335 and me R-CTS241 Everyone who is R-L1335 is also R-CTS241. Jun 30, 2021 #139 CTS241 to date . ) ; BY23436 (Kelley Wright) ; MC21 (MacMillan History and description of Haplogroup R1b (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. Other surnames with similar common haplogroups are: Logan , Oliver , Lloyd , Gibbons , Morgan , Sherman , Hughes , Phillips , Cameron , Jones . This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the aka y6238, fgc11136, z16251; (mahoney; o'reilly; ballard; ferguson, caldwell, colwell, coldwell, howie, huey, hughey, huie; mcdonald, mcconnell, donaldson) aka S350; aka Pict Marker; (large clade but largely dormant until L1065; in one stufy 10% of males in SCOTLAND were in this clade; prob. It appears that R-CTS241 descended from R-M269, Niall of the Nine Hostages, (Ui Neill Dynasty), a ruler in northern Ireland and Scotland. Geneticists use global haplogroup distributions to trace significant events in human prehistory, such as the migration of people to the Americas or the expansion of agriculture from the Middle East.
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