Eslfast conversations. B: You should've gotten that bill two weeks ago.
Eslfast conversations A: What do you want to play on first? B: I want to go on the slide. A: Please send up a bottle of champagne, lobster tail, and filet mignon, medium rare. Hurry up! A: How may I help you? B: I need to return these books. A: Thank you. B: Just help yourself to whatever you would like from the table in the waiting area. Hurry up! A: Where are you feeling the pain? B: I can't stand up! My stomach is killing me! A: Can you put your hand where it hurts the most? B: It hurts smack in the middle of my gut! A: Did this just come on suddenly? B: I felt OK until an hour or so ago, and then I just doubled over. A: Do you take good care of it? B: Oh, yes. 35 Conversations on topic SHOPPING for English learners to practice speaking English. B: I'm glad to hear that. Here are 10 converstions on housing in America for English beginners to practice speaking. A: Did you see "Titanic"? B: Yes. A: Are you enjoying it there? B: It's not bad. B: When did you get that? A: I think I got it on Saturday, but it just A: Let's take a walk. Hurry up! A: Can you give me some advice about going sightseeing? B: Your concierge, sir, is the right person to ask when you need sightseeing advice. Where do you want to go? A: I want to cruise to Hawaii. A: Do you change the oil? B: My mechanic changes the oil twice a year. A: It's a good thing I asked you. A: Did you see his face? B: No. B: He was a very easy teacher. A: There is something wrong with my garbage disposal. A: Do you like to drive the bus? B: Not in the least bit. A: I feel like Chinese. I have an interview scheduled this morning. A: I am happy that you have decided to come in for your annual physical. Here you are. A: I watched it once. B: Can you describe your health concern? A: I have been having skin problems that aren't going away. A: I wish you would go, but ESL Robot 4. A: I hope you don't think that excuse lets you off the hook. A: We'll get warmer as we walk. B: Hi there, I'm Bill Gotcha, the owner of Gotcha Enterprises. 17 Conversations on topic BANKING for English learners to practice speaking English. 10 Making Positive Comments on Food. Hurry up! A: This is Janet Smith in apartment 23. B: What's on TV? A: Nothing. B: That sounds delicious. B: Can you tell me what the charge was? A: It's for a purse that cost $350. Here are 12 converstions about safety in America for English beginners to practice speaking. Hurry up! A: I came here to get a chest X-ray. Hurry up! A: I came to this lab to have my blood drawn. A: How about a pizza? B: You had pizza for lunch. B: Let's go now. A: Is there a problem with your premium? B: Did A: What's for dinner? B: I'm not sure. B: That was smart. English Conversations on topics LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT and LIVING IN AN APARTMENT for English learners to practice speaking English. A: I have no idea how much it will cost. A: On this evening's dessert list, we have chocolate mousse cake, ESL Robot 4. B: I can just trade with him, thank you. A: You're not lying, I found that movie absolutely hilarious. B: Yes, how are you doing? A: I was partying hard over the weekend, fell down the stairs, and need time to recuperate. Hurry up! A: Out of every movie that you've seen, which one is your favorite? B: I'm going to have to say that Superbad is the best movie ever. A: Haven't I asked you to call if you're going to be home late? B: This is true, but it must've slipped my mind. Maybe he passed it on to me. B: Yes, you don't want to travel in winter storms. Hurry up! A: Did your meal meet with your approval? B: Our meal was absolutely perfect! A: How about a dessert to top off that wonderful meal? B: Dessert sounds perfect, but I would like to split something with my friends. B: How far away is it? A: It's only 10 minutes from here. Have you ever been in one of his classes? A: I'm thinking about taking his class next semester. B: This is a very high quality television. A: Well, of course I want to go when the weather is nice. B: Why is that? A: Because I love the snow. That's polite of you to ask. A: Did he come in with Here are 25 easy converstions about daily life in America for English beginners to practice speaking. A: So why can't I have pizza for dinner? B: Because you need variety. B: Have you had any unusually stressful situations in your life lately? ESL Robot 4. B: Would Tuesday or Wednesday be best for you? Here are 20 converstions on health for English beginners to practice speaking. A: But I love pizza. A: What am I being tested for? B: Your doctor wants to know what your white blood cell count is. A: I know that it's going around the dorms. A: I think I can find that. Hurry up! A: Are there any hobbies you do? B: When I have time, I sometimes draw and paint. A: What are you returning? B: I want to return this cellphone. A: And they're clean. B: What does she look like? A: Well, she's quite short. Do you know how it happened? A: I don't know the exact details. I think I have that crud that is going around. Hurry up! A: You look a bit under the weather. B: Why don't you have any money for another bus? A: I got hungry and bought some chips. 9 A Mistake by the Waitress. Is Lee in? B: Hi, Ray. B: I have to start eating better too. Hurry up! A: Are you new here? B: Yes, I am. B: You are in the right place. 24 Conversations on topic COLLEGE LIFE for English learners to practice speaking English. B: Oh, hi, Hannah. A: It would be weird if it started raining in ninety degree weather. I'm hungry! ESL Robot 4. B: You can purchase an HMO or a PPO. B: What seems to be the problem? A: I went hiking and have terrible poison oak. B: It has wonderful restaurants. B: Did you need help finding anything else? A: Actually, I do need to find the dishwashing detergent. Hurry up! A: Do you know how late it is? B: My fault. Hurry up! A: I have been getting headaches almost every day lately. You? B: I'm actually in school right now. A: Last year we made a big snowman. Do you know what a handicapped space is? A: Yes, I have seen those spots. 20 Conversations on topic DRIVING for English learners to practice speaking English. A: Unless there's something else you would prefer ESL Robot 4. What may I help you with? A: This tour company doesn't seem to know the town very well. A: I've only washed my clothes here a couple times. A: Is this your first year in college? B: I actually transferred here from another school. What are you trying to get? A: I want to buy a drink. A: Do you need a calculator? B: No. A: What do you think of these jeans? B: I don't like how those look. Maybe I'm not rich enough. I'm not tired. B: Do you know what kind you want? A: I honestly don't know. B: Me, neither. B: Thank you very much. B: What things am I allowed to check out? ESL Robot 4. B: Thirty thousand dollars! That will take forever. A: How much does it cost? B: I'm selling it for $2500. A: Did you get a good look at the person who robbed you? ESL Robot 4. A: You do realize you are going to have to pay late fees, right? B: How much is the late fee? A: The late fee is 25 cents a ESL Robot 4. B: Do you have an ESL Robot 4. A: Did you want fries with your order? B: May I get a large order of curly fries? A: Did you want something to drink? B: Get me a medium Pepsi. A: I asked because the paper is sitting next to you. A: What kind of food do you usually eat? B: I try my best to eat only fruits, vegetables, and chicken. B: It's close to the mountains. Is there a special way you want them washed? A: They need to be washed on the gentle cycle. A: Are you going to be there? B: I don't think so. B: Girls like guys with money. A: Not if we save every ESL Robot 4. The teacher doesn't permit calculators. A: I can't afford that. B: OK, so once you pass the gym, it's the first door on ESL Robot 4. Hurry up! A: I'd like you to bring me some food. 24 Conversations on topic EMPLOYMENT for English learners to practice speaking English. B: Thanks. With over 2,500 conversations with audio and 3,000 short stories and essays with exercises, you are guaranteed to find something that's right for you. A: What's your question? B: Did you make any changes to my insurance? A: What kind of changes are you referring to? B: My premium isn't the same. A: Is one form of transportation better than another? B: It depends on where you are traveling. A: Which school do you attend? B: I'm attending PCC right now. 28 Conversations on topic TRAVEL for English learners to practice speaking English. A: What kind of car do you have? B: I have a Honda. B: What are you going to cook? A: I haven't the slightest clue what I'm going to make. Please fill out this paperwork. Hurry up! A: Are you going to vote? B: Of course! Are you? A: I plan to, but what day is the election? B: You should know that. A: Wear a jacket, too. Help yourself. A: Maybe you should, just in case it gets colder. ESL Robot 4. A: How much do you reckon it cost to pull that wedding off? B: I think it cost them a lot of money. I have a really bad pain in my tooth! A: How long have you had this toothache? B: It bothers me off and on, but it's gotten much worse these past few weeks. Miller's classes? B: Yes. How is the weather going to be? A: The forecast says that it will be warm on the weekend. Here are 20 easy converstions about entertainment for English beginners to practice speaking. B: I saw it eight times. A: Is that why it won't turn on? Here are 25 easy converstions about daily life in America for English beginners to practice speaking. A: What time do you usually go to bed? B: I don't have one time in ESL Robot 4. B: We can watch my DVD. A: What time does your plane leave? B: It leaves at 12:15. A: How about a dictionary? B: No, we have a big dictionary in the classroom. Hurry up! A: So, how are you feeling today? B: I'm pretty tired. Hurry up! A: Good morning, this is Ray speaking. A: I really wanted to make sure that I got a chance to go to the local beach. A: That's fine, but do you have your receipt with you? 13 Conversations on topic BUYING A CAR for English learners to practice speaking English. Hurry up! A: Hey Joe, how's it going? B: Oh good, Mary. Hurry up! A: I'm broke, and I have to catch another bus. B: I agree completely. B: I agree 100 percent. I hope it doesn't rain. A: Is that the only problem? B: Everything else is working fine. B: Can you tell me which credit card it was for? A: It was for my Master Card. A: When you do your darks, can you wash some of mine too? B: I can do that. It really doesn't work. B: Yes, you're saving money because they're on sale today. B: Yes, the workers are very polite. How are things going for you? A: Great, how are you? B: Fine. B: The Open House was quite a success. B: Tell me what the problem is. B: Yes, the snow is fun. Hurry up! A: Have you met the new girl? B: No. . A: Give me the roses. A: Good luck with that. A: It's not too big. B: Yes, that could have been it, but I haven't been feeling that great for the past few days. B: I really don't have enough money. A: You can't be serious! B: Hey, I've always gone hunting or fishing on vacation. A: But girls like guys who are funny. B: I'm not ever going to leave. 24 Conversations on topic IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD for English learners to practice speaking English. A: Excuse me. Hurry up! A: I am planning a trip and need help making my airline reservation. B: Let me explain it to you. B: The tape recorder is broken. A: You mean, like a pepperoni pizza instead of a cheese pizza? B: No, I mean a salad instead of a pizza. A: When do you have to be at the airport? B: I have to be there two hours early. A: Do you like it better here or at PCC? ESL Robot 4. We gave him a big carrot for a nose. A: You had an art class? B: Exactly, it was ESL Robot 4. A: The bathroom sink is stopped up. Sandals, I've worked here five years A: How's it going? B: I'm doing well. A: It's no problem. I need to wash the rest. B: I think it depends on the season and on your cabin. B: Have you just started getting a lot of headaches? A: I never had very many headaches before, but the last few weeks I have been getting a lot of them. A: I've got the correct change already. Hurry up! A: Good morning, I would like to make a doctor's appointment. Hurry up! A: My friend said that you had called regarding multiple offers for my home. B: I'm sorry, but they aren't on sale today. A: I only had nine little problems here. B: I am sorry you are having a difficult time. Do you? A: I don't have a girlfriend, either. Hurry up! A: Were you around when the robbery happened? B: Yes, I was. A: What college do you go to? B: I go to Pasadena City College. B: Great! We are going to be working in teams of three. B: That actually sounds like it would be a lot of fun. B: I'm just yawning because the commercials are on. B: Sure! That would be great! Are you good at writing or would you rather do the computer work? A: I would like to help with the computer work. A: That's because they cook it while you wait. Hurry up! A: I've never seen a machine like this before and need some help. A: What's "variety"? B: Different things, not the same thing all the time. A: Do you have a girlfriend? B: No, I don't. B: I'm so sorry. Hurry up! A: My computer isn't working. A: I haven't got it in the mail yet. A: Oh, you actually do that? B: Every so often, I do. Hurry up! A: I'm starving! It would be truly appreciated if you bought me a burrito. B: Well, what kind of dessert do you want? A: I was thinking about ordering some kind of pie. Hurry up! A: I need a doctor right now! B: Tell me the problem, sir. B: Do we need reservations? A: Oh, no. Hurry up! A: I'm going to go try these on in the dressing room. A: Then you should watch the rerun. Here are 14 converstions on travel for English beginners to practice speaking. B: That's nice. A: Yes, I misread the ad. A: Can you just tell me? B: The election is this Tuesday. B: What style do you want? A: Can you make my hair short? B: Exactly how short do you want it? A: Make it a few inches long. Hurry up! A: I need to find the cereal aisle. A: How come? B: I don't really like parties. Hurry up! A: I was wondering if you need any help on your new project. Hurry up! A: I don't know how much luggage I can take on the plane with me. B: Red roses are always a popular gift for birthdays. Hurry up! A: How have you been doing? B: I can't sleep or eat. That's why it's also the best hamburger in town. B: Yes, it is. ESL Robot 4 Help & Support ESL Robot 14 Conversations on topic SOCIALIZING for English learners to practice speaking English. A: Now what do you want to do? B: I want to go on the swings. B: That sounds like fun. A: We should hang out some time. B: I agree. B: Believe me, you're not the first person to 8 Conversations on topic DATING for English learners to practice speaking English. What can I help you with? A: Could we meet for lunch tomorrow to discuss the new project? B: That would be great. 24 Conversations on topic SMALL TALK for English learners to practice speaking English. A: I can't let you do that. B: Can we order a mixed drink in this restaurant? ESL Robot 4. A: Did you like the slide? B: I slid down it fast. B: That means we have to leave the house at 9:15. B: Why are you switching jobs at this point in your career? A: Our company is moving Over 100 short passages, with audio and exercises, to help English beginners learn English through reading. B: Well, why don't you ask Bob for some money? ESL Robot 4. B: It's on right now. Hurry up! A: I'm out of here. B: Just name it, sir. A: Maybe you have food poisoning. A: Which do you prefer? ESL Robot 4. B: I think that would be nice. 12 Good Tips for Good Service. A: Why don't you go to bed? B: I want to watch this TV show. A: It has beautiful houses. A: What did you see? B: I saw a man come in with a gun. A: Where do you want to go? B: Let me think a minute. Hurry up! A: Why didn't you go to school yesterday? B: I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well. A: Well, it's an hour to get there, if there are no traffic problems. B: Isn't there some way you could work your schedule out to be here? A: Unfortunately, this is what I have to do. A: I just wonder what the general rules are. A: I'm available if you'd like me to come fix it. Hurry up! A: Excuse me, could you help me pick out a lotion? B: Sure, what is the problem? A: I got poison oak while hiking, and I need something to help me with the itching. B: The cereal is over by the breakfast foods. B: How tall would you say that she is? A: I would say she's only five feet. B: Yes, that's all I need for now. B: So maybe we better leave at 8:15? A: Yes, it's better to get there too early than ESL Robot 4. A: I always try to be polite. A: What does my white blood cell count tell him? ESL Robot 4. A: Is there anything that you've done to your tooth that might have 21 Conversations on topic FOOD for English learners to practice speaking English. What's going on? A: Would you go out with me on Friday? B: Are you for real? A: I thought that we could go to dinner and a movie. A: It has great schools. Hurry up! A: I really need to apply for a driving permit. What is your preference? A: I live closer to Los Angeles ESL Robot 4. Hurry up! A: What's happening? B: Not a lot, what about you? A: I'm having a party next Saturday. B: I'll put a glove in each pocket. B: How big was it? A: It was seven feet tall. A: Do you need a pen? B: No. Hurry up! A: I'm in 507, and I have a big problem. Hurry up! A: What does it cost to ride this bus? B: The fare is $1. A: Where is that at? B: It's by the oatmeal and breakfast bars. B: And watch your DVD. B: Thank you for meeting me here. Last night we received three offers on your home! A: I am anxious to hear how good an offer we received! B: Offers above and below the asking price came in. Hurry up! A: I enjoyed talking to you. A: They sure do. Are you thinking of taking a class with him? A: I'm not sure because I really need to Here are 10 converstions about eating out for English beginners to practice speaking. B: I think that that would be a fun beginning to our ESL Robot 4. I am sorry that bothers you. I haven't been sleeping well. A: The next cockroach I see will be number ten. A: Would you like ESL Robot 4. A: Look at the ad. Hurry up! A: What may I help you with? B: I need to file a complaint. A: What comes next? B: I will need you to face this glass plate right over here. A: I'm bored. 13 Little Tips for Bad Service. B: She is a great addition to my class. A: I don't know how to make that. B: Yes, I know. Hurry up! A: We finally get a chance to meet. I just can't seem to fall asleep and stay asleep. B: When did this happen? A: Well, about a week ago is when it ESL Robot 4. B: What do you mean? A: I want a different hair style. com -----ESL Robot 4. B: Give me just a few seconds, sir, and I'll hand you your receipt. A: Could you explain what you saw? B: I was in the bank at the time of the robbery. B: It's a little chilly, right? A: Yes, it is. Some people are rude. I wash it once a week. A: That sounds nice and cheap. 26 Conversations on topic HEALTH for English learners to practice speaking English. Hurry up! A: Thank you for taking the time to interview me. A huge free online English learning resource, with over 2,500 conversations and 3,000 short stories, essays, with audio and exercises for listening, speaking, reading, and writing. A: Have you had the flu lately? B: No, I have been pretty healthy. If your destination is close by, you might ESL Robot 4. A: It wouldn't rain in the middle of the summer. B: I'm a little short. B: This city has many taxis, shuttles, or buses to transport you to your destination. A: Alright, how do I look? B: You look great in that shirt. Hurry up! A: Hi Kara, this is Mike B: Hello Mike. B: Mr. B: How long did it take? A: It took us all day. A: What was taken? B: My wallet and cell phone. More than 1,500 ESL/EFL conversations under 25 topics with quality audio, free to use in and out of class. A: ESL Robot 4. How about you? A: Never better, thanks. B: Why do we need to save money? A: Because we need to buy a house. Hurry up! A: While you are thinking about what you might like to order for dinner, would you like to order your drinks? B: Can you tell me where your wine list is? A: The wine list is posted right there on the board. B: Are you positive that you didn't buy the purse? A: I can't even afford a purse that expensive. Other than that, I enjoyed my stay, and I loved the city. B: All you need to make it is white rice and some teriyaki beef. Once you have it, you can go to the bookstore. It's broken. A: Should I do anything else? A: I want to go on a cruise ship. 21 Conversations on topic AT A HOTEL for English learners to practice speaking English. B: Perhaps you could look again, sir, to double-check. Hurry up! A: Is this Professor Clark? B: Yes, I am Professor Clark. B: Maybe we should learn some good jokes. B: That should've been something ESL Robot 4. A: What genres? B: I enjoy listening to both Rock and R&B. Hurry up! A: I wish it was a nicer day today. How is it going with you today? B: Things are wonderful. B: They like guys with new cars. Hurry up! A: I would like to discuss some problems that I am having with this tour. That was enough. B: I'll put on my cap. B: Fine. A: Is there a reason why? B: I just really don't want to go. How can I help you? A: Ryan, this is Malia, and I need to call in sick today. B: A teriyaki bowl sounds nice. B: I'm not going to be able to fall asleep. We are always getting lost! B: I am sorry that that has been the case. A: That's beside the point, you 14 Conversations on topic AT THE LIBRARY for English learners to practice speaking English. A: I don't know how I'm going to get home. Hurry up! A: How may I help you? B: I would like to return an item. B: Yes, I am going on a cross-country bike ride on vacation and want to make sure that I don't have any problems. Here are 15 converstions about school life in America for English beginners to practice speaking. Hurry up! A: May I help you? B: I would like to return this book. B: That is true. Hurry up! A: Have you finished washing clothes? B: I've finished my white clothes. A: Have you been driving buses a long time? B: I haven't been driving for long, only for a few months. I just have trouble taking a really deep breath. A: Here it is. 14 Talking Positvely About the Restaurant. A: What are the roses going for? B: They're only $20 a dozen. Hurry up! A: I have to miss school next week. A: Do you hope to have a wedding as big as theirs? B: I don't think so. B: A trip to the beach would be fun. A: Some people would just pick it up. A: Is there something wrong? B: I enjoy having your daughter in my class. A: And then we can go to my home. B: I absolutely love this house, so I had to buy it. Except for the rash, I feel fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. B: Zzz. A: What else? B: I like all my classmates, too. A: When did you get moved in? B: Just this past weekend. B: How much do we need to save? A: We need to save enough for a down payment. B: Why don't you wash clothes at home? ESL Robot 4. B: I can suggest a product called Technu that comes in a lotion or cream. A: Is there anything you would like to do next time? B: Do you want to go out to eat? A: I'd like that. I don't have enough for you. Hurry up! A: I believe you ordered the Grand Slam breakfast. B: Please hurry. A: I don't have money or a new car. A: I'm glad to hear it. Hurry up! A: I want to try something different today. B: Well, your word overrules the file, sir. Hurry up! A: The plumbing in my new apartment is not working. Hurry up! A: What brings you to my office today? B: I've been getting really short of breath, and my coach wanted to have a doctor check me out. Hurry up! A: Can you tell me where I can park? B: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? A: I drive an automobile. A: It's quite late, and you have an early day tomorrow. A: The people are friendly. B: I'm not ready to go to sleep. Hurry up! A: Do you wash clothes here often? B: I have been coming here for the past few years. Hurry up! A: Did you need help with something? B: I'm having a problem with my washing machine. A: I would buy it if the price ESL Robot 4. Hurry up! A: I really want to make something for dinner. B: Are you sure you want me to cut it that short? ESL Robot 4. A: So, it's pretty old now. B: Well, I need your ID and $27. B: Mike, I enjoyed your company, but I am getting A: I'll be glad when winter comes. B: I love that show. Hurry up! A: You guys are charging me $10 for a movie that I never ordered or saw. A: I'm going to the store, would you like any Pepto Bismol? A: Let's go out to eat. A: What is your complaint about? B: I got robbed. B: It wouldn't seem right if it started raining right now. B: Oh, good! You know, I am looking at my plate and I ordered scrambled eggs, not fried. B: Why is that? A: Our policy doesn't allow anyone to check out the magazines. B: Yes, but it gets colder as the sun goes down. B: In the United States, if you fly economy on a domestic flight, you usually have to pay for 17 Conversations on topic SELLING A HOUSE for English learners to practice speaking English. Hurry up! A: Good morning, is this Ryan? B: You are speaking with Ryan. Hurry up! 26 Conversations on topic DAILY LIFE for English learners to practice speaking English. Hurry up! A: I'm calling today about a bill that I never received. A: Which ones are you referring to? B: The cords that you see behind your CPU that plug into an outlet. A: Are you serious? B: I'm not kidding. B: So how have you been lately? A: I've actually been pretty good. Please take a deep breath and calm down. A: Good morning, Lee. The ad says they're on sale. A: Which school? B: I transferred from PCC. I hope that I have a wedding like that one day. Did you find your way here OK? A: Your assistant gave wonderful directions. A: I didn't even know the house got sold. B: You have an option of departing from Los Angeles or Burbank Airport. B: And it's not too small. B: Sure, no problem. There are a lot of people there. B: Here they are. A: Is there a problem? B: It's broken. A: Give them here. B: Did you give him a nose? A: Of course. What can I do for you? A: Something happened to my window. A: Kara, I had a great time the other night and was wondering if you would like to go out again this weekend. A: I can't believe how long this line is. A: Why do you like it? B: Because it has great teachers. Hurry up! A: I need information about my options for ground transportation. A: Do you have enough time to get the right amount of sleep? B: I have enough time. B: So do I. Hurry up! A: Their wedding was so beautiful. 25. A: Everywhere I look, I see cockroaches. Making Friends MAIN MENU ESL: English as a Second Language ESL Fast. A: It has great weather all year long. Hurry up! A: How may I help you? B: I need to ask you something about my insurance. A: Is it new? B: It was new in 2003. May I speak to the apartment manager? B: Speaking. Where are you traveling to on your trip? A: I will be vacationing in Oregon. A: So we have to be at the airport at 10:15. A: A great burger and great service. A: I just noticed that I accidentally brought you your friend's breakfast. B: Everybody loves pizza. B: Well, when you see the ESL Robot 4. A: Why do you wash here? B: It's actually a lot cheaper for me to wash my clothes here. This is Hannah from apartment 4C. A: Why don't you try counting sheep? B: I've tried that before. B: This is a popular restaurant, isn't it? A: Yes, but it isn't a fast-food restaurant, is it? B: It's the slowest hamburger in town. Would you care for some water? A: Yes, that would be great. Hurry up! A: Would you talk to me about taking one of Dr. B: I enjoyed talking to you too. Hurry up! A: It is very nice meeting you. B: Sure. B: Let me help you make one this year. Hurry up! A: What can I get for you? B: Hello, may I have a double cheeseburger? A: With everything on it? B: That sounds great. B: But a house is so expensive. B: I hope you enjoyed your stay, sir. A: My stomach feels so empty. A: Did you always know how to draw and paint? B: I was taught in high school how to draw and paint. A: Why are you yawning? B: I'm sleepy. A: I have the DVD. A: Let's go to your home. A: That's why we need to save money. 11 Making Negative Comments on Food. A: John, I was looking through some magazines for ideas about where we might go on vacation this year. A: Okay. A: Do you have a car? B: Yes, I do. Hurry up! A: I am calling to purchase health insurance. Do you know what you want? A: I don't know what I want. A: I understand, because the house is extraordinary. B: Yes, the ad says that the other brand of batteries is on sale. I didn't realize what time it was. B: How much is that? A: That's about $30,000. A: The world needs more polite people like us. This machine needs you to use that change machine first to get correct change. A: My wife just passed out! B: Sir, it's difficult to understand you. B: I'm having so much fun. A: You think so, how come? B: Well, Superbad is super funny. A: All right, but be careful. B: Why? I'm watching the original. B: There must be something on TV! A: Nothing that's interesting. Hurry up! A: What is your favorite kind of music? B: I listen to various types of music. B: I need you to tell me what the problem is. B: I am not feeling all the great. B: What clothes did you find? A: I'm just trying on a pair of jeans and a shirt. A: Do you like it? B: Oh, yes, I really like it. B: I forgot they were due. A: But you'll be asleep in about one minute. B: It has the Rose Parade. A: What in the world is a concierge? B: We direct visitors to all the great tourist, shopping, and eating spots in the city. A: Professor, this is Kalia, and I am in your literature class on Monday mornings. A: I know a good Chinese restaurant. A: It appears these books are two weeks late. B: Do you have your ID with you? A: I may have left my ID in my car. A: Is that really all that you eat? B: That's basically it. A: What was your problem? B: My stomach was bothering me. B: Are you in any pain? A: No. B: Any rain right now would be pointless. We can walk right in. Hurry up! A: Here we are! B: Hurray! We finally made it to the park. Have you? A: She's one of the prettiest girls at the school. B: What's the weather like? A: Let me step outside and see. A: Have you ever been tested for ESL Robot 4. B: Yes. B: I need to speak with you about your daughter. B: Why not? A: I don't know. B: If you miss this class, you will have used up your quota for the semester. This is Lee. Hurry up! A: Good morning. Hurry up! A: This is the first time I've seen these batteries on sale. Hurry up! A: I want to purchase this television. B: Regrettably, we're currently out of filet mignon. B: The interviewer will be with you in a moment. B: I'm happy to meet you also. Kindly tell me what the problem is, sir. They are free to use in and out of class. B: Let's see, sir. Hurry up! A: Hi, Tom. B: Not really. Everything is just fine. B: Thank you. Smith. B: That should be a nice trip. A: I'm going to call you soon. B: I will need you to take your clothes off from the waist up and put on the gown, leaving the opening in the back. But it still looks good. Roll up your left sleeve and have a seat. B: That's the going price for that particular TV. A: Don't tell me to calm down! My wife is passed out! B: I'm getting 911 on another line, sir. A: When did this happen? B: It happened this morning. B: My boyfriend hasn't been feeling so well. I'm telling the truth. B: Do you have health insurance now? A: I was on my parents' policy, but I need to start buying my own. Here's my key. B: Try checking the connections. A: We need to save money. It is a great movie. A: I thank you. A: I saw it twelve times. Let's watch it together. Share on Facebook; Share on Tweeter; tesl eslfast. I'll tell you how the show ends. A: I like living here. 0 (Android Version) & (iOS Version) - an AI-powered English tutor . A: What is wrong with it? B: The water isn't draining from it. B: OK. Hurry up! A: It's time for bed. A: May I do anything else for you? B: I would also like to check out this magazine. A: I have some cold tablets if you would like one. A: I'll go get it really quick. 15 Talking Negatively About the ESL Robot 4. B: I didn't know that you saw A: Do you go to college? B: Yes, I do. Hurry up! A: You don't look so good. A: The wrong information is in my file. Lots of fun, and lots of food. A: I would have never dreamed of ever becoming a bus driver. A: Well, I guess that's it. I was hoping I'd see you today. Hurry up! A: Can I ask you something? B: Sure you can. B: Is the kitchen plumbing messed up also, or just the bathroom plumbing? A: Just the bathroom plumbing seems to have a problem. Hurry up! A: It's so hard to choose where to go first on our sightseeing trip! B: We could think of what would make a good morning activity versus an evening activity. A: That can't be right. B: What's wrong with it? A: There is a charge on my card that I didn't make. A: What exactly is wrong with it? B: The phone turns off by itself. Here are 21 converstions on transportation for English beginners to practice speaking. B: That doesn't sound good. B: Yes? A: Are you reading this paper? B: Oh, no. A: What do you need for school? B: I need pencils. I already have a pen. A: I'm starving, as I didn't eat yet today. A: How do you stick to only those foods? ESL Robot 4. B: The computer is showing that all bills have been mailed. B: Did you want to know 15 Conversations on topic TAKING THE BUS for English learners to practice speaking English. A: What interests you in that type of music? B: I enjoy the different types of instruments that they use. 0 (Android Version) & (iOS Version) - an AI-powered English tutor, is now free. B: Go try them on. A: Are you feeling any better? B: I'm still feeling a little sick. Hurry up! A: I have a taste for something sweet. Pasadena is a nice city. B: So I'll see you next time. Hurry up! A: Nice to see you; how have you been feeling lately? B: I have been feeling great, Dr. A: How do you like it here compared to PCC? B: I love it here. 24 Leave-Taking. A: Do you have any change I can use for the bus? B: I don't have any. A: And pancakes for you, sir. A: Maybe you should record it. A: I'm trying to turn it on, but it won't work. He had a mask on. 23 Ending a Conversation. A: That is a perfect reason to like a certain kind ESL Robot 4. B: You should've gotten that bill two weeks ago. B: What about her facial features? A: She has light ESL Robot 4. B: I wonder if I should bring my gloves. A: Anything else? B: I need a notebook. Hurry up! A: How do I buy my textbooks? B: Do you have your book list for your class? A: Yes, I have my list. Would you like to come to a party on Friday night? A: A party would be a perfect way to end the week! B: Good! Do you need my address? A: I've been to your house once, but I would appreciate you e ESL Robot 4. B: I've already told my buddy, Mark, that I am going hunting with him in Alaska. B: What about that new game show? A: Which one? B: "Deal or No Deal" A: Tell me you're joking. I was at a concert Monday night. B: How are you going to catch up? A: I've got it all covered. B: Exactly what's going on? A: When I turn on the disposal switch, all I get is silence. B: You need to look up each individual airline online to get their restrictions. Do you know where that is? A: Yes, I know where the bookstore is. B: I have a major stomachache A: Did you eat something strange? B: I had spaghetti with clam sauce for lunch. According to your file, you watched "Titanic" Monday evening. Hurry up! A: I would like to take a trip to the beach this weekend. May I suggest the porterhouse instead? A: Sure, I love porterhouse, too. Hurry up! A: I have a problem with my credit card. Hurry up! A: I really need to start eating healthier. B: So do you think it'll be perfect weather for the beach? A: It sounds like it will be. B: What are you thinking? A: I want some kind of dessert. Hurry up! A: I want to buy some flowers for my wife's birthday. ilpagnoysbfsyvlwmswpjrilapcdjkztozsvjqsmrturxhtyjwdmcls